Why the Workflow Log shows "Value cannot be set in BEFORELOAD" warning after adding a Transition?
Hi there,
I am trying to modify an existing JE Approval Workflow so that all journals created via System A are automatically set to status "approved for posting" when they are created in Netsuite. These journals are created via REST Web Services, and contain the phrase "system A" or "system B" in the JE Header Memo.
I set the transition condition from Initiate>Approve to include "memo contains system a" or "memo contains system b". And the state Approve has a set field value action to set the approval status to "Approved".
However, when integrating a new Journal, I am getting an error "SETFIELDVALUE [Warning: Value cannot be set in BEFORELOAD on already existing (not a new) record.]" Due to this error, it seems to be skipping that set field value approval status step. I'm not sure how to fix this as I've tried different Trigger On values with no success.