How to Create Custom Action via SuiteScript That Does Print, Print Label and Print Item Label in One
I tried to do this mentioned in the SuiteAnswers with the ID 92846, The but I am getting an error
I tried used the two SiuteScripts versions and get the same error. I slight modified the script for the version 2.0 as you see here:
* @NApiVersion 2.x
* @NScriptType ClientScript
define(['N/record'], function(record) {
function printMeNow() {
var id == record.id;
show_preview(document.forms['main_form'].orderid.value, id); //Standard Print Button on Item Fulfillment
print_shipping_label(document.forms['main_form'].orderid.value, id); //Standard Print Label Button on Item Fulfillment
window.open('/app/accounting/print/barcodeprinter.nl?trantype=itemfulfillment&tranid=' + id); // Standard Print Item Labels Button on Item Fulfillment