Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
How to Capture a dynamic field in a saved search?
Hey there community!
I've created a dynamic field labeled "Difference" I've also created a static field "Difference (Value Only)" to capture the number in the Difference dynamic field through a workflow and saved search for reporting. I've done this in the past and was able to get it to work. However, with this one I'm getting this error:
"Workflow: Cash Refund Difference (Value Only) Errors on Records:
Internal ID : 1882375 - You cannot make changes to this period. You need the Allow Non-G/L Changes permission and must set the Allow Non-G/L Changes preference in the period record."
All of the other dynamic fields I've captured for reporting in static fields were on the customer form. This one however is a transaction. Sounds like I need to make a preference change and wondering if there's any other repercussions to allowing non-g/l changes?