How to use the results of a calculated formula in a case when statement?
I'm trying to build a saved search formula and am running into the field limit. I need to know if there is a way to do a CASE statement with the THEN being "use the calculation I just created" ELSE 0; instead of repeating the whole calculation again? Here's the lengthy way to do it, but wondered if I could avoid the repeats (in Bold):
(Case when CEIL(CEIL((((Sum(case {transaction.location} when '05-Hilliard' then {transaction.quantity} else 0 end)/NULLIF(nvl(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(MAX({saleunit}), INSTR(MAX({saleunit}), '-')+1)),1),0))-MAX(case {inventorylocation} when '05-Hilliard' then nvl({locationquantityavailable},0) else 0 end)-MAX(case {inventorylocation} when '05-Hilliard' then nvl({locationquantityonorder},0) else 0 end))/(NULLIF(nvl(MAX({custitem_uae_mo_std_pack}),1),0))))*nvl(MAX({custitem_uae_mo_std_pack}),1)) >0