How to resolve "Script Execution Usage Limit Exceeded" error?
using Suitelet script in Netsutie 2.0 to update records within a loop, get Script Execution Usage Limit Exceeded" error when save the 30th records. The cript is quite simple, using a record id list, iterate to each record and load record using its record type and id, the code is like below:
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
var loadedRecord = record.load({type: recordType{i], id: ids[i]});
loadedRecord.setValue( {fieldId: 'colume1, value: true });
loadedRecord.setValue( {fieldId:'column2', value: flase });
The error will triggered when loop to i = 29 to update record (save()).
I did not see any load method existing can load all records together so call record module only once and then save it. from forum discussion, there are recommendation to use scheduled script or do Map \ Reduce. I would like to know if there are other solutions.