Invoice CSV Import Creation Removes a Couple of Lines After Import
Just to give some background, our company imports our invoices in bulk via CSV since we don't have direct integration yet. From what we've noticed, all seems fine until now. One of our finance team members imported a file full of invoices, it imported with no errors whatsoever. When she went to double-check a couple of the invoices, they imported with the correct total and then there is a note in system information saying the total was decreased x amount.
After looking at it deeper, the invoice is created, the items are added correctly, and then the first 2 items are removed randomly by the CSV import. Nothing about the file is any different from what it usually is, and it only seems isolated to a couple of customers right now thankfully, but this of course questions our trust in the process. Our finance team is having to go into the invoices this happens to and manually add these items, which takes up time.