Suitepayments.com not in monitored domains, and payment links are caught in customer spam filters
Many clients are unable to receive invoice PDF's when the credit card payment link is on the invoice. The credit card payment link domain suitepayments.com has been flagged as spam in some mail filters. I submitted a case recently on the issue, however the reply from Netsuite was that it's not a monitored domain.
Netsuite's advice was to ask the client to use Spamhaus or SpamCop mail filters, or create an exception for the domain & netsuite emails. I feel uneasy asking clients to alter their configurations for a domain in Netsuite's control.
The point of the Payment link is to allow an easy method to make payment. Should I to go to a 3rd party credit card payment system or do you feel Netsuite will resolve the issue quickly?