Statement Issue - Invoices on same date as Statement not included in AmountDue?
Has anyone noticed any changes in NetSuite recently with regards to the 'AmountDue' value on Statements?
I initially thought this was a 'leap year' problem, but it seems more widespread.
Looking at Statements we sent dated 31st January, they showed any Invoices dated 31st January, and included those amounts in the 'Amount Due' value on the statement.
Statements sent dated 29th February still show the Invoices dated 29th February, but don't include the value of these Invoices in the amount due.
If I reproduce a Statement dated 31st Jan (as per the first test) then this will now print showing the 31st Jan Invoices, but not including them in the Amount Due. The same happens if I generate an Invoice dated on any given day - the Invoices dated on the same day will show in the list of invoices, but not in the amount due total.