NSC | Resolve Error: "Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable lines marked for elim.." on AIJE
When creating advanced intercompany journal entries, the following error message is displayed: "Accounts receivable and accounts payable line marked for elimination must specify an intercompany customer or vendor."
User noted that they have already selected the intercompany customer and intercompany vendor on the transaction. Despite this, they continue to receive the same error.
This error is a standard one because by design when making an advanced intercompany journal entry for intercompany receivable and payable accounts, the system will require you to enter intercompany customer and vendor respectively.
This is documented on SuiteAnswer 30558 - Intercompany Accounts.
To resolve, ensure all the accounts in the transaction with Eliminate = T has an assigned entity under the name column. Here's a sample Advanced Intercompany Journal:
Clarisa De Torres | Ask a Guru
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