How to setup GS1 for WMS Scanner
Hi Guru's,
I am struggling with the settings to use GS1 barcodes in the WMS Scanner.
I've changed some WMS Rules
- Define Item Barcode Type CenterLargeAccessibilityDelete
- Enable Advanced Barcode Scanning CenterLargeAccessibilityDelete
I have created an WMS Item Alias for Item M0003
I've Created a Purchase Order to Receive with an Custom generated BarCode
(01) WMS Item Alias(17) Expiry Date (10) Lot Number
(01)01987990130003(17)20260304(10)20260304 010198799013000317202603041020260304 |
(01) WMS Item Alias |
(17) Expiry Date |
(10) Lot Number |
When I recieve the PO in the WMS scanner I can not 'scan' this Bar Code.
I expect that when I scan this code the Expiration Date and Lot number will be automatically filled in with the data as shown in the GS1.