RERUN | Building a NetSuite Saved Search | Questions and Answers
Here is the list of the questions sent out during the webinar and the answers that were provided.
If the owner is no longer an employee will this stop the scheduled emails.
if the employee record is deactivated then the scheduled search will not send.
How do I (admin) publish a search template so it appears in all user's dashboard as a Shortcut?
You would need to use/login to a role where the whole dashboard is already customized to be shared to the user. You would then need to ensure that the Shortcuts portlet is already configured with the corresponding link to the search. After that, you would need to publish a dashboard to the role assigned to the user/s. For more information on publishing a dashboard, please see SuiteAnswers ID: 8122.
Niks Blando-Oracle | Ask A Guru?️
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