SQL Query Joins not working
We are trying to convert queries in our SuiteApps to work with NetSuite2.com but running into issues with some joins. For example, the following works
select itm.id, itm.itemid as item, itm.description as itmdesc, itm.weight , itm.custitem_abc_code, itm.upccode, itm.custitem_pe_eancode
, itm.countryofmanufacture as cntry_origin, itm.custitem_rohs_compliant
, itm.mpn, itm.custitem_msrp, itm.custitem_pe_mappricing, itm.itemtype, itm.custitem_buyer
, uom.abbreviation as purch_uom
, iven.vendorcode
from Item itm
left join unitsTypeUOM uom on uom.internalid = itm.purchaseunit
left join itemVendor iven on iven.item = itm.id and preferredvendor = 'Yes'