User Error Journal Entry API
Hi, teams! I get a user error when posting journal entry via API. Here is the error's detail:
{ "type": "https:\/\/www.rfc-editor.org\/rfc\/rfc9110.html#section-15.5.1", "title": "Bad Request", "status": 400, "o:errorDetails": [ { "detail": "Error while accessing a resource. You have entered an Invalid Field Value 32244 for the following field: entity.", "o:errorPath": "line.items[73]", "o:errorCode": "USER_ERROR" } ]}
The error still occurs even though the entity "32244" exists in our NetSuite production account.
But when the entity field is deleted the journal entry was successfully posted. The same problem is also happening in another NetSuite environment.
Any help would be so much appreciated. Thanks!