My Stuff



  • I've written a Portlet that outputs a table of a users scheduled calls summarised by day for the next two weeks (for our TeleSales staff). I want them to be able to drill down into a particular day to see/modify calls on that day. The new ServerSide scripting is great. Can't wait for it to be extended... I was going to…
  • Excellent! Thanks. Hopefully this becomes supported. That works really well - and you can build the url by playing with the filters in the actual search which makes it easy. Some more questions: [LIST=1] [*]Is there any way of preventing the search going directly into the actual record if the search only returns one…
  • Yang, Where can I find documentation for these under 11.0.4? Haha, you're hopefull!
  • Whenever you perform a search, you can always call nlobjSearchResult.getRecordType() to determine the type for the current search result. Thanks, Yang Unfortunately I didn't have a lot of luck with this call for the unsupported types I wanted to work with. Hence me using the aforementioned field.
  • No, we are still on 11.0.3 UK Edition.
  • Update: I sat on my gold support phone for an hour while they tried to send me an email. :cool: They couldn't. My case didn't turn up in my Customer Support Centre either. I wonder if some of their server side scripting wasn't working as well. Finally they managed to send through the case so I could reply. As I composed a…
  • Good suggestion. It gets my vote.
  • Found it, there is an undocumented field field called "itemtype". In it you find values like Assembly, Kit, Group, etc. However, it is only available Server Side when you are saving an item. If you attempt to retrieve this field after searching for an item, it isn't available. My guess is that any of the fields that are…
  • Ok, I will look forward to that. In the mean time is there anyway for me to detect what type I am trying to look at from within a script?
  • Elham It was a Server Side script and the total time from pressing Save until I saw the Unexpected Error was about 5 seconds. -as you would expect for a fairly smiple script doing lookups. I know for sure that 30 lines were processed, I have values written to custom fields on the line items. Up to 30 no problem. Try 31 and…
  • Yang I've tried nlapiGetRecordType() but it doesn't tell me if it is a Kit or a BOM - I just get inventoryitem or noninventoryitem. Not too helpful! I was hoping that there would be a field somewhere that would have this info in it. Cheers Mark
  • I've written a user trigger for inventory items and non inventory items to save a list of the member items for Kits and BOMs into a custom field. I want the script to only do work on Kits and BOM's. Hence wanting to find out how to detect these. It wasn't easy doing this as I had to discover how to use the member machine.…
  • Damn! Using try/catch DOES NOT catch the over use situation - the script just stops runing... In my case of using a portlet, the lines I had already sent arrived, but it stopped half way through. Not good. From a script perspective it appears impossible to know if a script fails - apart from the execution error record,…
  • I have just rewritten one of my ServerSide scripts to run Client Side to avoid the processing limits and guess what... It looks like I'm running into processing limits after searching on about 20 lines :mad: Does anyone know if there are any restrictions on the amount of times nlapiSearchRecord can be called from a browser?
  • I'm not sure if this had made it into the documentation yet. Let me know if it is helpful. Usage Metering Usage Limits by Record Type Script Type Usage Limit Client Side 200 <snip> UCG Anymore where that came from??? :D Mark
  • Depending on what your search is doing, you may be able to use nlapiLookupField instead which does not cost any units: <snip> I thought all my Christmas's had come at once! Yay! No Limits! Alas it wasn't to be. Using nlapiLookupField (passing an array of columns to lookup with) barfs after 30 lines :( Even worse it barfs…
  • I'm considering building an error lib based around nlapiLogExecution, nlapiSendEmail and also using try/catch in (minimum) the function called by NetSuite to prevent invoking NetSuite's unhandled error system. Hopefully it will prevent some unnecessary support calls... Does anyone have any suggestions as to what an error…
  • This should work if your script checks type for xedit. Have you tried that? What exactly is xedit??? What is it for and when do you use it? I've searched all the likely places and in the user group is the only place I have found a match. Thanks Mark
  • Thanks, that is very helpful. If I might make a suggestion, including a discussion on each of the record statuses in the developer guides would be very helpfull. Also a version number of the Developer Guide (tied to the NetSuite release number?), instead of relying on a release date would also be helpful. Thanks Mark
  • Thanks for the help, I'll give it a try. I've written a portlet that display's a summary of daily phone calls scheduled in the future for a number of telesales people. Currently I'm identifying the telesales people by their internal id and passing those via a parameter. It would make more sense to use their names rather…
  • We don't currently expose that information in custom code, but it's a good idea. Please log an enhancement request. Thanks, -e This is now an Enhancement Request 109808 if anyone wishes to vote on it...
  • Is there a (potentially unsupported :eek:) workaround I can use in the interim? M
  • I've hacked Evans example to look up an internalid of a contact using their name. It works fine as long as the search string does NOT have a space in it. If it contains a space the system throws a SQL error. I've tried putting escaped single and double quotes around the text, but the system then threw a different error…
  • This can be done using a custom applet. For example I have written one to display a daily phone call summaries when it wasn't possible using a custom search.
  • ODBC module. I have a similar thing for marketing. I want all leads that dont have a contact associated with them. Never been able to produce via standard searching. I can imagine this functionality would be useful in a number of different areas. I've raised an enhancement request to add this functionality. I'll update…
  • As quoted by elham in the "Execution Usage Limit! Argh!" thread: There is also a usage limit for making server API calls from client side which is 200 units. Oh well.
  • The saga goes on. I have got GP calculations going when a salesperson enters a sales order, however I am now running foul of the processing points - I had thought I'd get away with this one. I read somewhere that you can do unlilmited searching client side so I decided to do all my GP calcs client side. While it appears…
  • I'm going to the UK Launch of Netsuite 2007 tomorrow, maybe I'll go and beat up on Zach ;) . Seriously, hopefully there will be some improved functionality. I'm no longer at the contract where we were doing the GP analysis, hence my silence. However we did get something working, but because of processing limits I had to…
  • Any sharing you would be willing to do would be most appreciated!!! I'm doing some polishing to make it simpler and then I'll be happy to share the code and instructions. Where is the best place to put it? It's a shame we can't do attachments here as code loses its formatting if it is copied into these messages. Cheers Mark
  • <snip> PS I'll dig up the most recent code we have and post in the interest of helping push this forward. Bring it on! It looks like a number of people will be happy if we can nail this one. :D Ray, have you and your team had a go at sorting this one out? Cheers Mark