My Stuff
HI @Richard James Uri-Oracle Many thanks for your quick response.
@SouthernSun @Shiela Marie Villaluz-Oracle Many thanks for your help in this question.
Hi @SouthernSun No, the question is do we have such a functionality in the NetSuite?
How does this relate to my question? Could you please answer the question I asked? Retainage (also known as retention) is the percentage/ amount that a company will hold back on subcontractor invoices until the project is completed. Does NetSuite have this functionality?
I mean this: Retainage (also known as retention) is the percentage/ amount that a company will hold back on subcontractor invoices until the project is completed.
Hi @Richard James Uri-Oracle Many thanks for your answer, we will check this
Hi @Nicole Mendoza-Oracle Many thanks for your help. WE will check this.
Hi @Richard James Uri-Oracle Many thanks for your response: According to this section: <columns xsi:type='tranSales:TransactionSearchRow'> <fileJoin xsi:type='platformCommon:FileSearchRowBasic'> <internalId xsi:type='platformCore:SearchColumnSelectField'> <customLabel xsi:type='xsd:string'>Internal ID</customLabel>…
Hi @Midhun Nath Many thanks for your quick response. It was helpful.
Hi @Richard James Uri-Oracle Many thanks for your help on this!
This is an example of the installments on the invoice page. So the question is can I allocate payment to One of those instalments via SOAP?
Hi @Richard James Uri-Oracle Via this link we can see a standard payment. No Including Instalments. And my question is it possible to push payment into NetSuite via SOAP request in case the invoice that we want to apply the payment to contains installments?
Also in case this is possible could you please provide some examples of such requests?
HI Team, No, we are not getting any error.
Hi @Michaela Christova-Oracle Many thanks for your response. We tried. And we are still getting the same error. We are using the next SOAP request: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsi="">…
@Nicole Mendoza-Oracle Many thanks, The request that was provided is to retrieve the file from the NetSuite, but before we have to create the file we have to know the internal_ID of the file. Is possible to retrieve the invoice's PDF if we have only the invoice's internal ID?
Hi @Richard James Uri-Oracle Each of the scripts has the same functionality in general, each of them calculates some value and fills the custom field (the calculating and custom fields are different). script_1 - is calculating value and fils the field custbody_1 script_2 - is calculating value and fils the field custbody_2…
Hi @Richard James Uri-Oracle I'm attaching the screenshots of the role. We tried to deactivate some of the scripts on the customer record. And we stop getting this error. But those scripts couldn't be deactivated, we did this just for a test. So the reason is definitely in the scripts (in 2 of them). Could you please help…
Hi @Richard James Uri-Oracle We were able to proceed with the Saved Search I'm attaching the screenshots. And yes this is the only search we have in our SOAP request. We are using this request to test the connection between the NetSuite and our system. And we are adding the limit for the records in response: <ns4:pageSize…
Hi @Richard James Uri-Oracle Many thanks for your reply. Checked this article. We aren't doing any of this functionality. Create an entity record where any role is set to Administrator or Full Access Delete an entity record where any role is set to Administrator or Full Access Edit an entity record so that the entity gains…
Hi, Yes, I checked this. May I know if this can also be replicated using a Saved Search in the NetSuite UI? - using saved search we can see values the same as on the screenshot 2668,98 EUR. In addition, is this happening for multiple records or only this specific record? - this is happening for all records.
Richard, according to materials you provided, could you provide an example of the API request? I used your specification to create the request, but it doesn't work (( Example of the request: <soap-env:Body> <add xmlns="">…
Example of the request: <soap-env:Body> <add xmlns=""> <record xmlns:ns8="" externalId="Yaypay-8" xsi:type="ns8:CustomerPayment">…
Hi Many thanks, using this request we can push allocated payment into NetSuite via SOAP. And the question is, how to link the invoice and JE via the customer payment page? Maybe I'm missing something.
HI, <soap-env:Body> <update xmlns=""> <record xmlns:ns8="" internalId="86419" xsi:type="ns8:CustomerPayment"> <ns8:chargeIt xsi:type="xsd:boolean">false</ns8:chargeIt>…
Many thanks for the response. Could you please provide a SOAP request example of how to link the invoice and JE via the customer payment page to nullify the impact?
Thank you!
Yes, it is correct.
Hi @Richard James Uri-Oracle , Many thanks for your time on this issue. We found the reason for this issue. They have some workflow that restricts access to "Credit Memo" by role (only the list of roles has access to it). This error "You don't have permission to access this record." - is a custom error message hardcoded in…