My Stuff
Hello Community! Josh Maxwell, a User Experience Researcher for NetSuite Foundation has fun a question for you. Imagine for a moment that NetSuite had an assistant like Alexa or Siri. What would you ask of your NetSuite assistant? Use this survey link to share your top questions to the assistant.
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
What are your concerns regarding employees transferring to another subsidiary? Within our account, it's not an issue to transfer employees between subsidiaries. However, we need to consider that the data available to the employee may differ, potentially expanding or narrowing the scope depending on their new position…
This functionality has been highly beneficial for our users throughout our company. However, we're encountering several issues with the bundle that trigger errors on the admin side. Despite efforts to resolve them, we're still receiving numerous error messages, making it challenging to pinpoint the root cause. While some…
Maybe this process could be helpful to others. The process is simple, when a user's employment is terminated, we set a termination date and revoke their login access. This triggers a scheduled script to take action. The script automatically sends an email notification to the supervisor, informing them of the termination…
Hi Paul, Is there a reason why you would put the <> in the item name? Using these characters could bring you more challenges as in scripting these are used for "greater then" and "smaller then" The saved search if also recognizing these as "greater then" and "smaller then" and the only workarround I can quickly think off…
Hi Angel, I would rather choose for scripting and don't use workflow if you are able to? With scripting you can then validate on the client who the record owner is and if you stop the script from executing the action or if you let is pass.
May I ask what the purpose if of deleting it?
Hi, From which value are you trying to update the records from? Some actions for that field are only available via webservices to update to Soft Opt-in
Hi, Yes this is possible, but you will need to create an xmlString first with all variables and how the Excel list should be structured. When that's done, you can use the below api to create the file and store in the file cabinet or directly send by email var xlsxFile = nlapiCreateFile(fileName, 'EXCEL',…
Hi, Is the Estimate also set to be included on the Sales tab of the Opportunity? If not, it will be excluded from the forecast.
Hi Mayur, Yes other Administrators can see all "Saved Search" when they have the native Administrator role. Regardless of how the search have been setup.
Hi Rosse, The NetSuite community have been replaced some time ago by this Orcale Community platform
Hi Mikko, Thanks for your feedback and support. Unfortunately because of timing and management decision the we need to take this from a different angle. This means the requirement is not necessary any more. Still thank you for your support its much appreciated Cheers Arnold
Hi Mikko, Sorry for my late reply unfortunately I did not receive an email from your feedback. The whole script is already finished expect for submitting the form as natively you can't change the subsidiary I needed to do this in the UI so I can tell the UE script to make the subsidiary field editable The downside is that…
Hi Tony, You could try to do the following Set Criteria to use Expressions sales order created in the last week (7 days) -or- sales orders over 1095 days Results CASE WHEN ({transaction.trandate}-{lastoderdate}) > '1095' THEN {...} ELSE NULL END {..} is a field or you choose for a fixed value you could also use 'Greater…
Hi do you still have this issue? If you know how to use Oracal SQL functions you can create a workarround
Dear Jepi, Maybe a good thing to check is if you have at least one person not put on BCC as recipient.
Hi Kathy, I have filled in the following and this is working great. From field: "Netsuite" <> Introduction: Here you have to fill in the text you want to display in the email. Summarized Results: Checked the Send within Message option. Hope this will help you.
Hi Kathy, You can only use the introduction field for grouped results. My account tells me; Only for single-record results, meaning emails containing results from one record (all alerts, and scheduled emails when Summarize Scheduled Emails is disabled). rgds
Hi Mike and Jackie, I checked some time ago (v2014.1) to do the same thing even with a script this was not possible
Hi Samy, Thank you very much for your quick reply. Option 1 would not be the solution for us I think because the fields I am refering to are "follow-up" fields so users can put different follow up notes in it which is like writing a book. Option 2 sounds good to investigate, I already checked before I created this post but…
I have it almost working, hopefully it can help others as well The only issue is when clicking on the button to filter values its opening the file cabinet into the portlet which I'm not sure of why this happens [ATTACH=CONFIG]n405533[/ATTACH] ChartPortlet.js function PortletFunction(portlet, column) {…
Hi Carlo, I took me some time and but I found the solution :) I need to replace sr[i].getValue("entitystatus", null, "GROUP") with sr[i].getText("entitystatus", null, "GROUP"),
Hi Carlo, Thank you very much, you just pointed me to the good direction. Sometimes when you get stuck you need some fresh inputs from outside. I have now a couple of very nice charts working - Pie Chart - Area Chart - Bar Chart - Stacked Bar Chart Thanks again I hope you and your families have a great Christmas and I send…
Hi Carlo, First of all I wish you a very good and healthy new year. I Thought I was understanding it but I am stuck with the legend of the Graph. The problem is that it is displaying the internal ID's of the records ipo printing the value of the fields (entitystatus). Do you know what I am doing wrong in the below script,…
Hi, Did any one already worked with Google Dashboard Control Graphs? I am trying to get it working but its complex to set up and hope some of you have experience with it? It should you give the option to display eg a table including a graph on your screen and can be driven by selection list and sliders to have more…
Hi Carlo, Thank you very much or your quick reply. The Javascript Notifier was a good tip and I found Firebug as I am using Firefox for development and Chrome for my Live enviroment After uploading the script it was not working yet but I get the error could not load bar so I also renamed the client script to use BarChart…
Hi Carlo, Great stuff you really make my day!!! It is working perfectly, real time data and when I hoover over the chart it is lighting up really great. Thank you so much for your great support this is really appreciated. See here attached the modified script I filtered out some lines to keep it clean. Have a great weekend…
Hi Carlo, As my management was very happy with the results I'm challenged to create some other charts (Simple bar, Stacked bar and Line) Unfortunately I am struggling to get it working and hope you can see what I am doing wrong as I really want to learn how to do this my self. The result I am getting at the moment is a…
Hi Carl, I understand that its slowing down the system, but its not necessary a problem depending on the user case. For some specific dashboards its only seconds which is also depending on the amount of data you are trying to run by these saved searches. At the moment 10 is to low for us and when creating dashboards…
Hi Dan, I agree with Carl this sounds as a cashing issue to me as well. My advice would be to clear you cash as well, first thing I always try (in Chrome) is Shift + F5