My Stuff
Hi @Kyle Parlee You can try executing this one of two ways via a workflow Customization > Workflow > Workflows > New Once you've set up the initial information including the record type and sub-record type, you'll see under the Event Definition section the Condition field and the Saved Search field. Try using the Condition…
Hi @User_FL4CK This question should be asked in the Ask Guru section to receive responses. Thanks!
Answer: True
Answer: False
Hi @Patrick Fresnosa-Oracle We have not upgraded to 2025.1 yet but it is also showing in the 2025.1 Release Preview account as of Monday night.
Answer: C. Expense Report
Hi @Maanav Goyal I agree with @Clarisa De Torres-Oracle. There are two "Document Number" fields listed in the Report Builder Customization screen under Add Fields and you'll use one of the two (you'll have to test) to produce the PO # from a sales transaction.
Answer: B. Update Asset Records
Hi @brocha There are many NetSuite consultant companies and alliance partners out there. I'm sure several of them would be willing to perform a one-time Impact Analysis for a fee. You can find those partners/consultants through a Google search, on LinkedIn, or on the Oracle home page as they have an Alliance Partner…
Hi @User_E98MZ Please try these steps: Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms Location your "Preferred" Invoice form Select "Edit" Make note of the "Print Template" being used Go to Customization > Forms > Advanced PDF/HTML Templates Locate the Template listed in Step 4 Select Edit next to that template Modify the form…
Hi @kees.netsuiteadmin To my knowledge you cannot do so directly from a saved search. However, you might be able to reference this saved search in a script and have the script delete the images based on the results of your saved search. I can't write this script for your account, you'd need a developer to do so. If you…
Hi @Kabelo Tshukudu I don't know that you can add Custom Segments or Fields to the native GL impact screen. Maybe another user can confirm. You could use these fields/segments in searches/reports as an alternative. I also found this info about SuiteGL that might solve what you're looking to do:…
Answer: False
Have you tried uploading the file with just one row that is hand entered?
Hi @User_5THXC According to SuiteAnswers, this error occurs due to a row in the CSV file having more values than the specified headers (columns). Since you've confirmed all your Column Headers are correct and mapped accordingly, have you checked your rows to see if any contain an additional cell at the end that doesn't…
Hey @MJensen6889 Scripts are not my area of expertise but I do know that NetSuite is actively working to depreciate Suitescript 1.0 so it's advisable to upgrade your suitelet to SuiteScript 2.x. I found the below in the 2025.1 Release Notes but not sure if it's related. Removal of OAuth 1.0 Token- Based Authentication…
Answer: A) At least one filter set on the Criteria subtab
Answer: Edit: Yes - You can add notes, change the supervisor, change address, etc. Delete: No - You cannot delete the System Administrator record which is always internal id (-5) even if the Action > Delete is available.
Hi @Bee Yook It would be helpful if you can post screenshots of your current setup so we can provide feedback but at a high level if you have: Accounting Preferences > Approval & Routing > Purchase Orders enabled And you've selected Vendor > Preferences > Send Transactions Via > Email Then you should not need a workflow to…
Hi @User_Q1DPO Can you provide the formula you're currently using in your saved search please?
Hi @rvaishampayan I've not personally experienced this before but there SuiteAnswer 79353 shows it's a known problem from the 2018 upgrade which I'd think they would have fixed by now. I would consider the following: NetSuite Issue If it's a NS issue, the solution would be: Edit Employee Record Select Access tab Select…
Hi @User_MPUJU Using 2FA on all user access is best practice, regardless of their role. We're integrated with several vendors/apps/etc. and enforce this policy without issue. Most scripts running in the background do not require user log in and therefore would not be impacted by 2FA requirements. If a user is required to…
@User_MPUJU If not already on the Purchase Order Form, can you add the "Created From" field and see if it's populated with a Sales Order #?
Answer: A. On Hold
Hi @GiCo74 Can you give a use case you're trying to implement? NetSuite Analytics Warehouse would be my recommendation as well but if you think that's too robust it would be helpful to understand your goal in more detail. Thanks!
Hi @User_MPUJU Could you be using a feature like dropships that created the PO via a script when the Sales Order was created. We have a similar NetSuite native solution that when we create a Sales Order for a customer that is going to be shipped from our manufacturer directly to the customer it creates the Purchase Order…
Answer: False
Hi @Martha Hakes Apologies for the late reply as I was out of office. Was the saved search saved at the time of creating the Workflow? This can happen when the workflow is created first, then the saved search.
Hi @Honey Soe Without the LCS Pass it can be difficult to study, but not impossible! Adding to my fellow gurus tips: Take the below linked sample test once. While answering each question: Pay attention to the wording. Often times the wording itself gives you the answer if you don't overthink it or second-guess yourself. An…
Answer: C. Put