My Stuff
Will do. Thank you!
That does not answer my question. I know where to find the customized text and how to edit it. Is there a schema or something that shows what would trigger the different messages? specifically the error messages?
Specificly, we use Cybersource for payment integration. Before the note would pop up with the error codes when the transaction failed for the customer and now only internal error pops up. I saw on the customized text that there is the following: We were unable to authorize this purchase with the credit card information…
Awesome. This enhancement has been around for almost 5+ years with no movement. So, I guess that means nothing will be done. Netsuite has already had FedEx integration for years for this exact issue. I don't see how Netsuite does not have these basic functions with how much is being charged.
@Nicole Mendoza-Oracle Do you have a sample code of the suite script for a basic SO?
Yes, we did everything. Still was slow, but seems to be better today. So must have been just a 1 day slow down.
I found my answer to the question above. One final question, is there a way to edit what data is pushed into the ecomerce data set?
We were able to reload the Container and it filled in all of the new items. For my second question: Where do I find the data layer variable names? Is there a developer doc for all these fields and what fields are available? For example: Add to Cart Price is ecommerce.add.products.0.price on the backend.
@Donna Bernardo-Oracle @Richard James Uri-Oracle any updates on this? If I do, where do I find the data layer variable names? Is there a developer doc for all these fields? For example: Add to Cart Price is ecommerce.add.products.0.price on the backend.
For the google tag manager extension, the last time our standard NetSuite events were updated was back 5 years ago. So some of the new events are not listed in our tag manager (refund, remove_from_cart, search). Do I have to manually create them or is there a way for netsuite to push them into the tag manager for me?
@Richard James Uri-Oracle @Venice Jane Lejos-Oracle It is every single new customer that creates an account/orders from our website. No. This is only happening from an order that is coming in from the website/when a customer adds an address on the website. We did turn off all extensions which could affect the addresses…
@Richard James Uri-Oracle I have not had a chance, but when I do, I will share what they say.
Hello, @Venice Jane Lejos-Oracle This is what the user submitted from the website. The screenshot is from the backend Netsuite UI of the unaltered address.
@Richard James Uri-Oracle @Venice Jane Lejos-Oracle Hello, This only happens to New addresses being put in by the user. The backend is fine. It happens to any customer/user that adds an address. You can PM me if you need any more system info or anything like that.
Hello, Yes <br> works, but ever since the NetSuite updates in 2023 when they changed the rich text box, it now encapsulates any text with <p> by default. So we would have to edit and/or remember to remove and replace our items. We have tens of thousands of items with this issue. This seems like an error in shopping CSS…
@Theo Cruz-Oracle checking to see if you have found anything yet.
Good luck! We just have our shipper do it through the UPS website since we don't have a lot.
You can close it
We do have support cases enabled. That is not the point as the point is the customer does not normally report an error; they leave. That is why I was saying it would be nice to get an email when there is any type of error on the suitecommerce store so we will know. Is there a way for netsuite to send emails to an email…
With the script logs, there are many netsuite scripts errors so it is sometimes hard to find the one I need as it gets buried fast. We don't have a sandbox so that option won't work. I guess I'll just dig through the script log next time someone calls with an error. Just be nice to know via email or something when a user…
Thank you for the reply. It just seems like another thing in Netsuite which was not thought out completely by the design team which does not make any sense at all.
Do I need to file a case so we can be on the fix? or is it more of just a FedEx issue?
We are in the same boat. SuiteCommerce website is not loading or gives a DNS error. Netsuite help us!
@Jeff Pineda-Oracle We have a Guest/MAP price level which is the default site price level (user is not logged in). We need it done on the searcher (shop) page so I showed that example. For example: Item: CQT 5000 List is 225, Map…
I will provide you with the above info soon. Thank you!
Thank you for looking into it! seems like it might be a while until that gets into netsuite with how few votes it has. I will get me dev on it.
<!-- SuiteCommerce [ prodbundle_id "356230" ] [ baselabel "SC_2020.2.6" ] [ version "2020.2.6" ] [ datelabel "2020.02.08" ] [ buildno "1" ] --> One page checkout Better example: Go to checkout, fill in your shipping address, fill in the credit card (minus the CSC code) keeping going down filling out the shipping method,…
Thank you for the quick response! aka it will never happen. Guess that is why it has been kicking around since 2015 or later people have been asking to get this done. Always love when we have to pay for a solution when it should just be common sense :D. . . . As always, the NetSuite way it seems ?
Is there a way to show the schema browser which has the fields that are currently running/available on the user's Netsuite account? Example: For any of the extensions and such which are installed?
@Joy Noreen Magoling-Oracle Do yall have a case filed or anything that we need to latch onto??