My Stuff
Thanks @Patrick Fresnosa-Oracle for the detailed explanation! A follow-up question I have - I noticed in your screenshots that you indicated the Task in your Time Entry. What if the Consultant didn't indicate the Task when logging time - does it still count the excess hours towards the Calculated Work?
As per our account manager, SuitePeople HR can only be procured for UK and US-based customers for now.
Hi @Niks Blando-Oracle , just to double check - are you referring to SuitePeople Payroll or SuitePeople HR? Please note that they're different modules. Can you please clarify this on your end internally?
Thanks @Patrick Fresnosa-Oracle , an alternate solution I am looking at is to develop a SuiteQL statement or a SuiteScript report. Can you point me to the right record type / fields I should look at?
Thanks for this, @Kristoffer Viray-Oracle ! A follow-up question to this - we noticed that creating a custom segment adds another custom record. Is there a reason to this? Because of this, we now have a duplicate record and field in the system.
Hi, Are you still looking for a NetSuite Developer? I can help you with that. Feel free to message me.
Hi @Joy Noreen Magoling-Oracle , does this enhancement also include the ability to see records a few levels down? For example, a manager's direct report's direct report? We are also trying to build reports in Employee Center but this limitation is blocking us.
What I usually suggest here is to use the same integration role you're using and test it in the User Interface. See if you can perform the same operation. Most common cause it that it's a permission issue.
A reason could be because the search is filtering only to customers with Contact records in the system. Have you tried removing the "Contact : Email" in the Results tab and see what happens?
There are multiple ways to do this but the easiest is to use a middleware that fetches the files from the other system, get the contacts from NetSuite and send the email from there. Alternatively, you can develop your own script that will talk to the other system to be able to get the files and send the email within…
Discount Items is found in the Item records. As an Administrator, go to Lists>Accounting>Items. You should be able to see "Filters" like this. Make sure to select "Discount". From there you'll be able to see Discount items you have in the system. To set them as an Inactive, edit the record and set the "Inactive" as true.…
You can deploy a workflow on the record where you can add a "Set Field Mandatory" action. Here you can set the condition where a field is not empty. For more information you can refer to this article.
Looks like there's no native feature on saved searches that allows you to remove the decimals. Currency fields are getting returned with 2 decimal places by default. Some solutions: Replace all your columns with Formula (Text). Example formula: TO_CHAR({amount},'9,999,999') Customize the Excel file where you remove the…
There's a goldmine of NetSuite Admin tips found in the SuiteWorld 2022 slides, you can go to Answer ID: 1012042 and download the presentation titled "NetSuite Administrator Tips & Tricks".
Thanks @Michelle Jabanes-Oracle , however in our organization, we don't have an option to Personalize our dashboard. Adding the Employee Center Dashboard Publishing permission won't work as we only want certain people to publish dashboards.
The custom role should be able to see an Edit button if the role he/she is using has Full permission to Purchase Orders. Looking at your screenshot, it seems that you're using custom approval routing as there's a "Submit for Approval" button. Would you mind sending a screenshot of the Workflows subtab? There must be…
Try to check if there's a workflow running on that transaction. There may be a workflow that locks a record for a specific condition. I wrote a step-by-step article for that.
When creating a saved search based on "Saved Searches", I can't find a filter that will look for a column. What I only found is the ability to find a "Sort Field". Maybe Support can confirm if it's currently an enhancement?
I can't find a way to have a manual billing schedule. Will it work for you to create a new one instead and design it based on your requirements. For example, the schedule I created below means customer has to pay an initial payment of 50%, then the remaining amount will be split over 2 months.
I did some reading and here are the answers to your questions: 1) Have you tried enabling the Restrict Time and Expense preference for that role? For more information, you can refer to this article: "Giving Accounting Approval for Expense Reports" Answer ID: 8516 2) Refer to the above answer. 3) This is what the article…
Try this: Go to Reports => Sales => Sales by Sales Rep => Customize. Add the filed for Sales : Customer / Project Click on Preview The ability to change the time period should be on the filters.
I would suggest to turn on the logging and review the Workflow Logs, see if the workflow is getting triggered and it's just the condition that's need to be fixed. How are you triggering the workflow?
We're previously using SalesForce and since we already have NetSuite CRM, we transitioned to HubSpot and built an integration instead. HubSpot can record contacts, customer records and Deals. Our salespeople are primarily using HubSpot and we just integrate the transactions into NetSuite. The integration runs in the…
Is the workflow deployed on the "Sales Order" record? If yes, you should remove the Sales Order under "Record". Screenshot below.
Are you referring to the Opening Balance? You may refer to the Connect Schema. I see that for Opening Balance, the precision is set to 39.
Hi @User_Challa , upon looking at SuiteScript Records Browser, looks like updating the 'isrecognized' box is possible through mass update script.
Hi @filippo.blengini , let me know if you are open to working with a consulting firm. I have a team of 14 full-time NetSuite Developers specializing in SuiteScript 2.0. We can also integrate NetSuite with other systems. Feel free to message me.
Yes you can export it to a Dev environment and other various account types. For more information, you look at: SuiteCloud Development Framework Overview (Answer ID: 51622)
Hi @User_M8RDQ If you're using SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF), you can easily export these scripts and objects as an SDF project so you can easily transfer them to a different NetSuite account. Another area you can explore is "Multiple Development Account Environments Method" (Answer ID: 49264).
Hi @User_LWYVY can you send the following: 1) Screenshot of the setup in Azure page 2) NetSuite Service Provider XML file in SAML Setup Integration 3) SAML response