My Stuff
Hello Community! Josh Maxwell, a User Experience Researcher for NetSuite Foundation has fun a question for you. Imagine for a moment that NetSuite had an assistant like Alexa or Siri. What would you ask of your NetSuite assistant? Use this survey link to share your top questions to the assistant.
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Hello, This is possibly related to Defect 240893: Payment Processing (CyberSource): Payment placed on hold (reason code = 102). Please open a NetSuite Support case if you have not already done so. Thank you,
Hello, You can find this information in SuiteAnswers from the NetSuite Support Tab by searching SuiteAnswers for 'test credit card numbers' or article 12617. Thank you.
Phone Support is back to its normal operation. Thank you for your patience.
To add to this. If you are running a 64bit machine, but your operating system or app is 32 bit, you should potentially be able to use the standard driver downloaded directly from NetSuite. However, you will need to use C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe (as opposed to the odbc administrator found in the system32 folder) to…
Hello Nick, There is a post here regarding disabling the log files. Also, feel free to vote for enhancement 204810 "NetSuite for Outlook > Request to set Dump Files Off when installing NetSuite for Outlook by default and the ability for the user to turn it on when…
Hello, Please vote for "Enhancement 77156 Events> ability to edit the 'status' list" regarding this. Thank you.
Hello, Per the NetSuite help article titled 'Enabling Saved Search Email Alerts': To improve performance and avoid unnecessary email, by default email alerts are not sent for updates made by CSV imports or Web services integrations. To cause email alerts to be sent for CSV imports and Web services integrations, an account…
Hello, SuiteAnswer 'Add days to a date field via Workflow' Answer ID: 23304 mentions using the API formula nlapiDateToString(nlapiAddDays(new Date(nlapiGetFieldValue('expectedclosedate')),14)) You may be able to modify this to meet your needs. Thank you.
If you are reviewing the Release Notes directly, you can search for 'Scheduling Time of Day for Reports and Saved Search Email' My previous comment regarding the SuiteAnswers ID was on how to locate the release notes in SuiteAnswers. Support Tab > Visit the SuiteAnswers site Link. From here you can search by Answer ID.…
Hello, As of Version 2012 Release 2, you can set the time of day when scheduled reports are run and saved search email messages are sent. You can read more regarding this in SuiteAnswers 'Version 2012 Release 2 Release Notes' Answer ID: 23715 Thank you.
Hello, Setup > Customization > CRM Fields > New. Thanks.
I am not aware of a way to store the URL in a custom field. However, you could perform a second get request on the image file itself, which would return the URL field. (eg <docFileCab:url>/images/retail/myimage.jpg</docFileCab:url>) Additionally, there is an Enhancement request related to this. Enhancement 205570…
Hello, I believe they are only listed under the fields tab of the custom record they are associated with. There is no list of all custom record custom fields. Thank you.
Hello, The SuteAnswers Article 'Add a value to a custom field of type SelectCustomFieldRef using' (Answer ID: 18202) link contains some sample code that may be helpful. Thank you.
Hello Bushra, Please vote for Enhancement 71137 for the ability to add custom fields to a description item. Thank you,
Hello, While logged into your NetSuite Account, go to the Support tab > click on Visit the SuiteAnswers site. You can then search for the article by the title, or by the Answer Id. Thank you.
Hello, If you are referring to the Default Value field of a custom field of type Long Text only allowing 2999 characters for the default value field, please report this to NetSuite Support as it may be considered an enhancement request to allow for more characters. As an alternate solution, you could possibly use a script…
Hello, If you want to simulate clicking the back button. form.addButton('customcancelbutton','Cancel','history.go(-1);return false;'); Thank you.
Hello, When creating the custom field you should be able to hover over the save button drop down and select 'Save & Apply to Forms'. Then click the 'unmark all' button and select the one form the field should apply to. This should work for existing custom fields also. Thank you.
Hello Trent, This may be related to an existing issue. Can you try using the 'Bill To' field as an alternate solution? Thank you.
Hello Dave, The employee field on the purchase order form is dependent on a feature being enabled. -Setup > Company > Enable Features > Employees -Check 'Purchase Requests' I hope that helps. Thank you.
Hello Williamkow, In Custom entity field setup, select the 'Display' tab > Subtab = 'Main'. Thank you.
Hello Sunil, Adding target="_blank" within the href should open the link in a new tab/window. Thank you.
I believe that is dependent upon the users browser settings. In Firefox for example: Tools > options > tabs > 'Open new windows in a new tab instead' option. Thank you.
Hello, This feature request is being tracked under Enhancement 3935: Transactions > Allow sorting by columns - manually and default on forms. You can vote for this feature via the Netsuite Support Center or by submitting a case and asking to be attached to the enhancement. Thank you,
Hello Amie, One option for you is to deploy a client side script to the form that executes on Field Change. You can have the script first check to see if the 'Original Start Date' field is null, if it is, it will set the 'Original Start Date' field to that of the 'Start Date' field. From that point on, the script should…
Hello, You will need to specify the internal id of the custom record type example: var record = nlapiCreateRecord('customrecord_service'); You will also need to submit the record object after setting the field values. example: var id = nlapiSubmitRecord(record); I would suggest you have a look at the NetSuite help, along…
Hello, Is a Save Record function being called in your custom form? If that is not returning true, it could cause a similar notification. Thank you.
Hello, This is being tracked in Defect 221381 Reference Cart & One Page Checkout BETA > Bundle 21011 > Firefox and Chrome > Prototip/Prototype pop-up messages do not display properly. Thank you,
Hello, SuiteAnswer 23368 discusses this. Add web site footer on the Cart, Register/Login and Checkout page of the Reference Cart & One Page Checkout bundle/ Thank you,