My Stuff
Thank you so much this worked and solved the issue. Appreciate all your help @User_ZCWF3
@Tigran Shahnazaryan Sorry I'm not getting you, could you please tell in detail what screen shot I should provide you.
@User_ZCWF3 Thank you for the response. Tried implementing the solution, still getting the same error message - ERROR: Invalid Expression. Screen shot of the formula, please suggest
Made the change and used the original filters, while original report has 149 records with 11 duplicates, report with the applies filtering criteria only has 42 records. Please suggest
Yes it is a custom field for date, attached is my saved search headers the fields I have into it
Please see the image of filter section, yes I dont have anything in filter section.
@Tigran Shahnazaryan I had tried to implement the solution, however it throws error. Error message - You cannot use an expression builder criteria filter as an available filter Screen shot attached, please suggest what should I do
@Nicole Mendoza-Oracle thank you for the follow-up. Yes that worked thank you, so much. Separate question - When trying to submit ask the instructor form from the LSM portal it doesn't goes through, tried 4-5 times, that is just getting timed out, cleared cookies and cache also nothing works. Any suggestion.
@Nicole Mendoza-Oracle Thank you for the response. I have installed the Visual code, however unable to find the SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code in Visual code. Screen shot attached visual studio extension, please have a look. Please suggest how to install SuiteCloud Extension.
When applying the criteria results get deteriorated most of the fields shows none data after applying that, additionally before applying results are 150 Consultants which are correct, however after results it is 1042 which is incorrect Screen shots attached for criteria and results
@Tigran Shahnazaryan Thank you for the detailed response. I see problem if I add Eff to it, in that case the only service item which will show is containing Eff, those service items which are new and that never had any changes will be eliminated. Please suggest.
@Tigran Shahnazaryan thank you for the response. Yes every time there is a change in pay or bill rate is a new service item is created A new service item is created as per process by Finance team ( reason could be we can track the changes easily). New service item would be with the effective date Example - Old Service item…
@Ivy Lopez-Oracle Thank you for the response. Just wanted to confirm there is no way to add custom footer? Please provide the weblink to vote for Enhancement # 348381: Saved Search > Search Results > Ability to Show Average for numerical fields
@Tigran Shahnazaryan I can only add display name as that is where the name displays. The field Name has other additional items added to it, so adding that wont be helpful Name denotes name like this - Nilesh_gupta_3542 Name can be read as Name + Service Item ID
I have watched the video Overview of Suite Script and then they show a Demo Run a Suite Script in the video. Problem is in the video it no where asks for Script type and Function, however in the demo account of Larry Nelson it is asking to provide Script type and function. As they arent teaching that in the course it is…
Name, with the name we have service ID attached to it. Example - Oracle_3242. Please suggest
Sure here is it is Course : SuiteScript 2.1: Working with the Query API and SuiteQL
Tried this formula for maximum of last modified date, this doesnt shows any results CASE WHEN {datecreated} > {lastmodifieddate} THEN {datecreated} ELSE {lastmodifieddate} END Gives this error - In a summary search, you must sort by a result field with a summary function. Please go back and correct the sort by field on the…
I think maximum should be applied on Last Modified clubbed with PA ID, as PA ID is a unique identifier, please suggest
When I applied maximum only one record shows in Saved search, all other records arent there
I have a field name called Last Modified, how should I use the field in order to get only the latest service item records, please suggest @Tigran Shahnazaryan attached is the fields used in the report, please have a look.
@Tigran Shahnazaryan Thank you for the response. Im putting the issue here again Issue - Im showing service item with status of active/extension, once the service item is created it will show in our Netsuite instance as example - Oracle_3242 Name = Oracle ID=3242 If any changes/update occurs in service item like Pay Rate,…
@Tigran Shahnazaryan I havent used any summary type, please see the screen shot.
I have nothing under it screen shot attached
Yes here is the filters screen shot
Screen shot of criteria
Yes im also an administrator I have with option to modify these items. I tried in sandbox and it doesnt saves unless a search is applied
This is for correct thread, Im running a time saved search and showing total hours, I want to show the employee names also who havent submitted hours. Time search doesnt shows the name of employee who havent submitted hours
Im using Time saved search and it doesnt shows the hours which hasnt submitted
I had tried clicking it, however it doesnt automatically apply the saved search, please suggest how should I fix it