My Stuff
Hello Community! Josh Maxwell, a User Experience Researcher for NetSuite Foundation has fun a question for you. Imagine for a moment that NetSuite had an assistant like Alexa or Siri. What would you ask of your NetSuite assistant? Use this survey link to share your top questions to the assistant.
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Hi Guys, Did anyone manage to reference an existing Advanced PDF Template using its internalid rather than passing a RAW string? I really dont want to copy the contents of the advanced pdf template into a file and reference the file contents. We should be able to do this through the existing template. Any help or more…
Have you noted that when you use the 'other relationship' to create the new record the Internal ID is the same? Yes i spotted that, same internal id but different record types: custjob and vendor. Inspecting the record object on both record types shows a field called 'otherrelationships' which is set to the same id. Any…
Thanks will give that a go. I tried to used the redirect= param on a store login link to redirect after login but it doesn't work.
Ok this is now an S1 defect, 183656.
Yes I've also seen a couple of separate accounts with this same issue. Are your problems occurring in the After Submit function?
This should be documented but nlapiPrintRecord(...) lets you specify the custom form used for printing the record. var pdf = nlapiPrintRecord('transaction', id, 'PDF', {formnumber : 200}) Thanks, Yang Hi, Does the formnumber have to be part of the sdate array? For example var custId = '123456'; var sdate = new Array();…
Hi, I'm also just trying to do this, i would like a drop down list of Contacts on the Customer record that only belong to the current customer. I've created a custom entity field:- Type: List/Record List Record: Contact. Leaving it like this obviously lists every contact in the system, so i need to filter this list by the…
This is what we use on a Transaction that works: Type: List/Record List/Record: Contact Source List: Entity Source Filter By: Parent However the "source: Entity" on a transaction is the transaction's parent, which is the customer record. So on a customer record itself I'm not sure that will work. Maybe someone else on this…
Why don't you just flag the one contact as "Primary Contact" and then you can pick the primary contact with script. Only 1 contact can be the primary contact. Only 1 contact can be the secondary contact. Those two are special hard-coded types. The primary contact has additional standard functionality within this particular…
Hi, Just an update for our Case # 803524, this is now logged as Issue # 156107
I am also experiencing the exact same problems Richard describes. With a suitelet that has been running fine for a long time and now the submit suddenly stops working. Using my debug logs it takes 5 mins for the script to detect that the request is a POST after i've clicked submit and then i get :- Internal Server Error -…
Is anyone else having major problem with suitelets at the moment? In particular when they are submitted and the script needs to detect the POST response? This is causing problems across multiple accounts for us.
ok i've managed to create a search to look at specific folder in the file cabinet. My script then loops through each of the file's found in the search results and grabs its ID. For each file I am using the code below to read in the file contents of the CSV file and grab the file contents. var fileObj =…
There is an nlapiLoadFile(...) API that you can use. It returns an nlobjFile object that you can use to access the contents of your CSV file. Thanks, Yang Thanks Yang, Yes thats the only file related API (nlapiLoadFile) i could find. The problem is that there could be multiple csv files loaded into a specific folder which…
Your headers have to be prefixed with "Custom-Header" (current restriction). Your use case (as of 2008 Release 1) can be implemented by writing the CSV file to the response (i.e. via response.writeLine(...)) and then making the following call: response.setContentType('CSV', 'to_warehouse.csv'). This is all documented in…
Sounds like a defect and thanks for bringing this to our attention. Please enter a case with support so that we can investigate the problem and also so that you are notified once the defect is fixed. Thanks, Yang Thanks Yang, just for your info the case number is 690899
Are you callng nlapiSubmitRecord on your modified record? Thanks for the reply. No i'm not because its being performed in Before Submit.
At this point, I would just move the script to after submit and go with var record = nlapiLoadRecord(nlapiGetRecordType(), nlapiGetRecordId()); var size = record.getLineItemCount('item'); for(i=1;i<=size;i++) { record.removeLineItem('item',1); } nlapiSubmitRecord(record,true); Thanks Oliver thats done the trick :)
Hi, Yes i had an idea that by using i rather than 1 it might mess up the indexing which is why i tried both, but had no luck either way. Here's the variable lines and the rec i'm using. var rec=nlapiGetNewRecord(); // Get the number of line items var lines = rec.getLineItemCount('item'); Thanks.
I can't remember where but I believe you need to Commit the line item before you move to the next line. nlapiCommitLineItem('item') for(var i=1;i<=nlapiGetLineItemCount("item");i++) { nlapiRemoveLineItem("item", i); nlapiCommitLineItem('item',i); //I'm not sure if it is nlapiCommitLineItem('item') or…
What are the error and the effect you are getting? I'm not getting any errors, it just doesnt remove any line items. Lines is 6 before i remove any line items, then after its supposed to of remove some line items i count again and its still 6. The sales order just looks the same. No idea why.
Two issues: 1 - You need to specify the internalId (3rd argument) of the item fulfillment you are redirecting to. 2 - All additional URL parameters must be prefixed with "custparam". response.sendRedirect(...) and nlapiSetRedirectURL(...) have the same argument list. Thanks, Yang Thanks for your help guys. I dont have the…
anyone got any suggestions? Thanks
Hello, I would like to write a script to update the value of each price level pre-defined of an inventory item in Netsuite according to different date range. For example: Item's internal ID: 274 Pricel Level Name Old Value ============= ======== BasePrice $200 RetailPrice $300 WholeSalesPrice $100 I tried to use the…
Try using this. window.document.main_form.inpt_custrecord_divider.focus(); replace "main_form" with "items_form" ,if the field is under items tab. replace "custrecord_divider" with the internalid of the field which you want the focus to be. Iby Hi Thanks for that, but when i used it i just got an error. Code:-…
Are you sure the file was recognized as a CSV file? Take a look at the file type on the file record and confirm that it is truly "CSV" and not "Excel". Thanks, Yang The file type of the file in the NS file cabinet is 'text'. On my Mac the csv file is of kind "text'. The file type read from the script is 'MISCTEXT'. Thanks
Thanks Steve thats a great help. That seems to work, although like you say it would be nice if NS supplied a built in API to decode base64 seeing as they return the file contents in base64! Which leads onto my next problem, that each of the csv files i read in contains around 500 rows and 30 columns (130KB), so using this…
Hi Yang, FYI i've created a case with support case# 700151. Thanks
And you are saying that after calling nlapiLoadFile(...) with this file, the contents are base-64 encoded? That doesn't sound right to me. If that is what happened please enter a case with support so that we can start investigating right away. You will also be notified when it is resolved as an added incentive for…
Hi there, I'm having similar problems to what you've been discussing. I am using the code below to read in the file contents of a CSV file and grab the file contents. var fileObj = nlapiLoadFile(fileID); var fileContents = fileObj.getValue(); The 'fileContents' variable contains the csv data encoded to base64. Whats the…