My Stuff
Hello Community! Josh Maxwell, a User Experience Researcher for NetSuite Foundation has fun a question for you. Imagine for a moment that NetSuite had an assistant like Alexa or Siri. What would you ask of your NetSuite assistant? Use this survey link to share your top questions to the assistant.
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Erick, Thanks. Before you & I close this thread, any pointers? anything at all? any primer? Thanks. Cheers. -Sjo
Erick, That brings us full circle. How? How do we have the Script do this? Is there a "back-off-re-try" block of code? If not, why not? If not, do we write it? If so, fine. We can do that. How? Thank for walking through this me.
Erick, If a Script clashed with a Workflow and one of them got RECORD_CHANGED, and went on to the next record, but did not update the date value it was required to, but the app-server-restart did not happen, how does this go back & set that Date? Is that that UncaughtError we want there? Thx!
case 4526496 thanks !
All roles. It occurs in private window mode in both Safari & Firefox. I can not open a case because I can not access SuiteAnswers. This is wildly frustrating! And ... apparently known. Yet still there. This has been known for a long time, not just this month. ? Thx for your attempt.
* not sure * A month ago. Finally getting to it now. Yes, it used to work on this laptop. * That is the only way to access SuiteAnswers. * no other or unusual steps * Firefox, Safari, Chrome Thanks
Hi Patrick, Yes, we are using SuiteTax. Yes, it is integrated to a major service provider. We are focused on the USA right now. We are trying to have our single GL Account (sales tax payable) in the ERP match the report on the portal of the service provider. We reconcile ours to theirs. If we decrease our taxes owed in the…
Wow. Impressive. I think you are spot on. Thank you. I will update the Case with Ns for this. Agree that this is not a blocker to using ARM & proceeding. We did not originally know that. We were originally concerned. This appears to be cosmetic. A bug. But cosmetic. Thanks. --Sjo
Thanks all. I am debating with a major 3rd party P2P provider who insists their Bundle must use administrator. Everyone knows this not to be accurate. No other Bundle does. Only theirs. Their Bundle actually has other defects in it as well, which they appear to be unintereted in resolving. I am afraid there is simply no…
Patrick, Thanks. I checked both instances & both show a user creating the account. Hmmmmm. I sure wish that NetSuite wrote an entry in to Sys Info when it auto-created an account. Maybe even which Feature you just enabled that caused it. Just so there was a definitive log there. That'd be an important Enhancement.…
Patrick, Thanks so much. I'm sorry I missed 79101, should've had that come up for me. Any ideas at all why is this a "Summary" in SB1? I think we did the same things there as we did in Prd, and it is working there. How can we accomplish our goal of having this act like a Summary Account? Thanks! --Sjo
Pierre, Thank you for refreshing my sanity. Exactly as I was trained. I do not have access (today)(it's been a while) to one of the Training Courses you mention, but can I ask a huge favor: Can you screenshot one page out of one PDF or webpage stating this for us & pasting here. I know this is a lot to ask & feel free to…
Emilia, Pierre, Mikko, Thank you each. All makes sense so far. All good. All helpful. I understand the technicalities of all comments. What I really need is: * a Leading Practices article stating that using the no role role (AKA administrator) is poor practice. or * It is poor security approach. No one Security…
Emilia, Thank you. I would love anything at all along the lines of NetSuite stating that integrations ought not use admin' role. Thanks. Jason
Erick, Thanks for that. As I thought but really wanted to verify. To clarify, no additional performance gain by hitting the ERP from 2 users at same time? I understand the system has a set number of connections and I understand they are allocated across all API users; is that accurate? With SuiteCloud+ we have more…