My Stuff
Hi @Jam Amper-Oracle Thank you for the confirmation. An extra location is nog an option. We have already considered the Dummy BIN and will use that for now. Case closed if it's up to me 🙂 Regards Toanne
Hi @Shorin Rio Daa-Oracle Thank you for your answer. I will vote for the enhancement. Regards, Toanne
Hi @John Griffin Off course i've tried that but when I want to receive a purchase order with 2 items with 'Use Bins' Enabled and 1 item with 'Use Bins' disabled I received the message when I want to receive that item (disabled use bins) that we have to enable the 'Use BINS' option on the item record. But I don't want to…
Hi @Niks Blando-Oracle We've got it working now. System rule wasn't set to a specific location and we used a scanner. It seems to be working fine now. Regards, Toanne
Hi @Niks Blando-Oracle The Rotation type on the item is FEFO This is my Pick Strategy. Can you tell me where I can inlcude the Lot Experiation Date in the Pick Strategy? I can't find anything about the experiaton date on the Answer ID you provided. Thanks in Advanced. Regards Toanne
Hi @Niks Blando-Oracle There was an Inventory Adjusment created (first printscren) with different Experation dates. I had alreade a Sales order where i've created a wave for. I've created a Wave for single order picking for the item P0002 for an sales order with the quantity of 20. Then I start picking in the right zone…
Hi @Shorin Rio Daa-Oracle Thank you for your update. We will consider the changes the changes on the current cost versions for a better overview. Regards Toanne
Hi @Shorin Rio Daa-Oracle Thanks for your answer. I understand what you are saying about changing the view and I voted for that enhancement. But the view for the Planned Standard Cost Rollup or the Revalue standard Cost Inventory, is that also possible to change the view? See picture: Thats the main reason why they want to…
Hi @Niks Blando-Oracle Correct, when I change the type to 'NONE' an Inventory Transfer via the WMS is not possible. Regards
Hi @Niks Blando-Oracle What i don't understand that the BIN Type for location Warehouse A.1 'NONE" is and that is working fine for the inventory Transfer but why can't the BIN Type for warehouse B1 and B2 also be 'NONE'? Regards, Toanne
Hi @Niks Blando-Oracle If I do the Inventory Transfer via UI I don't have any issues. And i'm testing in the administrator role (not a specific WMS Role). When I change the Type of the BIN to 'Storage' instead of 'None' it is possible to do the transfer via the scanner but the bin's where you want to transfer the items to…
Hi @Tris Mendoza-Oracle For now it's okay. Thanks!
Hi @Tris Mendoza-Oracle Yes I did but for our demo it didn't work out unfortunalty. Regards Toanne
Hi @Tris Mendoza-Oracle I will check the Answer ID's but i asume this gives some answers.
Hi, my solutions was to delete the Bin Putaway worksheet because that transaction was related to the delete transactions that causes the difference. Issue solved! Regards Toanne
hi @Tris Mendoza-Oracle thats fine by me but I do think it’s related to each other but lets wait die your findings. Regards, Toanne
Hi @Tris Mendoza-Oracle, Thanks for your answer but i want to see all options, customers with and without parents and te parent only without the subcustomer. So this criteria i’ve tried already and will not work for the requirement our customer has for his customer dashboard. Regards, Toanne
Hi @Patrick Fresnosa-Oracle Thanks for your update. Unfortunalty that's not what i'm looking for. I need the search for both customer types (with or without parent, subcustomer or not) but only need the prices of the Parent customer, and not the subcustomer prices. But when the search is on the dashboard of an subcustomer…
Hi @Tris Mendoza-Oracle this is a customer saved search. this was the only search type to show all the custom pricing for the items and use it on the customer dashboard. Regards Toanne
Hi @Angelica Mae Segador-Oracle I will think about that, or we find our own solution. Thanks!
Hi @Angelica Mae Segador-Oracle I don't have the bundle ID's. I saw this solution but i dont have acces to it. The person told me it was from the ERP Core bundel/suiteapp? Hope you can give me an answer where I can find this solution. Regards Toanne
Hi @Niks Blando-Oracle I think our difficulty is in showing the combination for Article and Sub article group and not on Item Level. On item level the result is as expected. Thanks in advanced.
Hi @Niks Blando-Oracle I now have this formula in the SS: max({custbody_schutte_icr_newunitcost}) KEEP(DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY case when ((to_char(to_date({TRANDATE}),'MM')) = '06') then {custbody_schutte_icr_newunitcost} else Null end) and then the summary type on 'Average' But this is also not the result I need. Do you…
Hi I don't think this solution will work out for our customer needs for the saved search. They want to see the average of all the latest ICR records of one article group or subarticle group. So a group on item and max on date will not work. I also want to see the latest new unit cost per month and not overall. So is you…
@Pallavi1903 No sorry, no solution. I think it must be a customization.
Hi @Patrick Fresnosa-Oracle I was indeed updated some bundles. I've now tried the balance report and change the Audience and add the custom roles and now i can open the report in the custom role. Thanks for the tip! Regards Toanne
HI @Patrick Fresnosa-Oracle I was not able to check the solution yesterday (not working on wednesday). But today i was and it not seems to work. Tried the FR Balance Generale - saved without changing the name but also with changing the name of the report. Receive an error by saving both reports: You should expect that this…
Hi @Dominica Sevilla-Oracle @Angela Bayliss @Niks Blando-Oracle I've now add the 0,0000003 and 0,0000008 to the related Item receipt. The lines in the Bin Put-Away worksheet are now gone, but on the item it's an extra inventory on a random bin. I've created a IA for the numbers to write the items off, so it's solved for…
Hi @Michelle Jabanes-Oracle i will vote for the enhancement but I still think it strange that this is enhancement and that the setup is not working as it should be. Regards Toanne
Hi @Michelle Jabanes-Oracle Only deleted some permissions on the customer portal role Subject: Case # CASE000X Updated: <subject case> Don't think so, we have a new enviroment with only 2 custom saved searches that i've created myself without an email action. It seems a behavior of NetSuite that we cannot turn off for some…