My Stuff
Yes, Ship Date worked. It populated the Expected Ship Date. Thank you
Any update on this? I'm trying to add the "Expected Ship Date" shown on the SO form to a Saved Search, but I can't find a way to add it to the search. "Expected Ship Date" is on the SO form, but can't add it to a Saved Search. "Expected Ship Date" is not in the drop down on the Saved Search.
Yes!! That worked!!! Thank you. You are the best!
Yes, thank you! You are the best!
We're almost there. I just need help with how the "is." ...."set the filter to Applying Transaction Type is Work Order and Invoice." I did the Applying Transaction: Invoice Number. NS returned the WO#, IF, and Invoice on several rows for the same SO. If I can filter the Applying Transaction so that it only shows the WO#.…
Hello Joy, I did that and I was able to add the SO, however the issue is that the same SO appears on multiple rows. I only want the SO to appear once in the final result. Then I want to add separate columns to show the WO#, WOI, Invoice . Should I be trying to make a report rather than a saved search?
Hello Elychelle, Thanks for jumping in here. I really appreciate it. Your response helped a lot. I was able to create the saved search, however the WO information didn't populate. I go nothing. I selected the "WO#" but nothing. Could the problem be that it says "WO#" but is actually called something else. I don't know. I'm…
Hello All, Thanks for the feedback. Just to clarify, I'm not looking for tabs. I already have that. Just open a new window. Rather, let's move the menu bar from the top of the screen to a side bar to the left . For those of us that have used other systems before we are used to seeing the menu on the side, it's more…
Yes! That worked!! Thank you
In your test did it come up immediately? Did you have to hit enter several times? Using Google Chrome
I'm using Google Chrome
Confirmed. No extra spaces. How do you add that bar with the find information. I don't have that. Maybe that will help.
I put the item in the "Find" box see red box below. I pick an item in the report. So, I know it exists in the report. I scroll down a bit. I hit enter several times and it doesn't appear. Sometimes the page flickers a few match....then I get a match, but the page doesn't stay on my keeps scrolling…
The Inventory Activity Detail Report. I just tested it and it didn't work. I selected an item. Paged down a bit. I put that item in the "Find" box. I hit enter several times and it doesn't come up.
Hello Tafara, Ok, thanks for explaining that. I'm used to SAP where you can select no receipt needed on the PO. That approach is convenient, but that has that material is posted to the wrong assignment/account. I'll update the item record if no receipt is required. Thank you!!
Hello Tigran Shahnazaryan, Yes! That's what I'm looking for. That's a big help. Thank you!!
Thanks for the response, but I'm not looking for the document flow related to an inventory item. Rather, I want to the status of an order. Below is a screen shot from SAP showing the document flow, it goes from inquiry, quote, standard order, delivery, transfer, and invoice and shows the quantity, units, amounts, dates,…