My Stuff
I know this is an old thread, but does anyone know how I would apply this to more than one user? I would like a handful of users to be able to access the form, but disable it for the rest.
This worked, thanks a lot!
Has anybody been able to figure this one out?
Thanks Oliver, So this isn't something Netsuite can do out of the box? Just to clarify - if I were to go back to basic billing, I would only be able to send 1 invoice for each sales order correct? There is no partial billing?
Is this even possible? I have searched everywhere, and can't find where it would be.
I am seeing similar issues as well. We have written a few programs that have been running perfectly fine for the past few years and all of a sudden they are breaking. We have one program that imports invoices and customer deposits from our web store platform, and it is not connecting the two together and closing the…
I've been browsing the forums and have seen the same complaints that I am receiving from employees... Usability is terrible. I'm surprised NetSuite actually released this. Mainly being that the fonts are too big and they are hard to read... The horizontal spacing is way to large on can't view everything in a…
Thanks for your reply Niel. I would like the value to carry on the parent record as its own field..not just to be visible on the record. My ultimate goal is to use the field I am sourcing from the Child Record(s) as a criteria on a workflow on Non-Inventory Items (Mold SKU). Would the script above work for that? And if so,…
Thank you that makes sense. However, I believe I have another issue. These two records are already tied together, but it is by a custom form on the Custom Record X...Which means the Non-inventory item Y is the parent. Can I source a field from the child record to the parent record? Edit: Nevermind. I see why that isn't…
Yes. Since you may have multiple custom records you need to tie it to your non-inventory item so the system knows which one to pick the date from. Excuse my ignorance, but I don't think I am following you correctly... You are saying: 1. Custom Record X has custom date field, stored value. (No sourcing options or anything…
1. OK so you have a custom record X with a field Date on it (store value true). 2. On your non-inventory item you have a custom field where you select that custom record X (store value true). 3. And you want an additional field showing the date from that custom record X (date, store value false, source from custom record…
Thanks Robbie. I ended up using the built in tasks feature. Brian
Thanks Pradeep!
In case this happens to anyone else, turns out the user had turned on the Auto-fill transaction preference.
Yup, one of ours is too.
At a former client we used a template that included the transaction number in the subject. This helped mail filters since the emails are now unique and didn't get caught up nearly as frequently.
Seeing the unexpected error when trying to save an assembly item. Any update or fix yet?
Same here. This is getting way out of hand.
This is really hurting me as well. Imports are going extremely slow, and loading related records on item pages (for some roles) is taking forever as well. This new release really seems to be breaking a lot of things.
I know this is old, but did you ever find a solution to this? I am trying to do the same thing.
Ahhh...yes! Thanks that worked.
I contacted NetSuite Support - it was a browser (actually adblock) issue. Even though I had enabled popups, adblock was still locking something. Gave it a shot in firefox and it went through just fine.
You might want to check out Suite Answer #25603. Looks like this may be what you are experiencing. Thanks Torin, but that is not the case. In that answer, it has a backdated Unbuild associated with it causing the COGS impact. This does not, it is simply a work order and an Assembly Build.