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yes! it's solved… i still don't undestand why the custrecord_ssf_automezzo that has not this flag was visible, but it works…
perfect! it works this way!
Hi, I have the same issue! Into the Custom Record "FAM Asset" i have 2 custom field for match 2 records one is linked to another custom record and one to a list, because on saved search i cannot merge more than 2 levels. both are type List /Record the only difference is that one record is filtered based on the other, but…
So client script is only in edit mode.... there's no chance to add it to the menu. in the meanwhile i have found a solution creating a custom field as hiperlink to create a button in view mode that open the new page...
this is clear. what i don't find is how to add it to the action menu
With a Client Script i can Add a custom action to the menu list. But this works only in EDIT mode. on the customization form tab i can select if i want to see it as menu or as button... With an User Event i can create a Button on top of the page aside the action button. there's a way to populate the menu in view mode using…
I mean i have an user event script that create a button. can i display it as menu item?
Hi Richard, just to be clear with a before load event i can add field and buttons... can i add a "Custom Action" too into the menu?
thanks for the quick review! there's any chance to add a custom action on view mode?
sorry i was not clear. the import of an electronic invoice according to the italian standard create a record with a field where is stored the JSON. the JSON inside that field is my source. not all the data inside has been mapped and I need to retrive specific fields. this is why i would like to have a saved search where i…
the json is an import of an eletronic bill according to the italian standard. the full JSON is much longer... my question is about how to extract a JSON data in a Saved search providing not only a field name but a path since the field can not be unique...
Thank you for the tip! the sublist was checked, but the subtab no since i did replaced it with a custom tab with saved search. so in order to have the action in the list i need to hav the subtab and sublist enable! thank you very much
i'm using administrator role too.. but i don't see anything on your list... the standard form has a long list. the custom form not, but i don't see where to add them on the customization page..
sorry i missed your notification here what i found the field is part of NEXIL the italian suite
Hi Richard, it's a formula text on a saved search where in the formula i did put the code to get the JSON stored in the custrecord_nexil_elect_impbill_json field
Thank you Richard, I'm aware about the JDBC and i'm using it a lot to access data. but with a client connection utilizing the user and password. client software like Data Grip don't have the TBA authentication. I prefer to work on JDBC for this activity since SOAP or REST API via Suite Talk provide a JSON with all the…
I was thinking something like this but if i purchase item A and Item B then in need to run assembly build in order to get the sum of the two cost. i was hoping to have something that was automaticaly summing the 2.
unfortunately doesn't work. i'm on mac and i cannot do it for single file but need to be done on system preferences and this will make a mess with all the other file... moreover i cannot have on file in the company with a different setup where copy and paste data between file is not working. there's a way to force the…
I was able to recalculating it based on labor cost updated on employee record by running a mass update without selecting any update field...
that was the issue!!!! sorry it was so easy and i feel so dumb... so the file name .js needs to be both in the file than in the record for the file. thanks a lot for your support Filippo
here you are
still same issue. i have tried to create a script into another folder but same result
looks like the same to me, but getting to an error...
that's exact the same post i was looking at. But i get the error i have tried also a simple scriptlet /** * @NApiVersion 2.x * @NScriptType Suitelet */ define([], function() { function onRequest(context) { var html = '<html><body><h1>Hello World</h1></body></html>'; context.response.write(html);…
no one interested?
No right now it's a really simple script. 1st : add a tab var field = scriptContext.form.addField({ 2nd: run a search via script not using saved search and store the result into a variable 3rd i want to print the result so i create a form and add a sublist.
Hi, the reason why the workflow is needed is that if a record is generated with a different role get the custom form into the field. when you open the form from a different role you see the form from the role that has generated the record... I need that a specific Role only see some informations and always the same way...…
Hi Jack, i'm following your idea, but i'm trying another approach, in order to avoid the script looping i'm filtering looking on the existing url variable instead of writing a flag on database. var cfUrl = context.request.parameters['cf'] ; if(cfUrl === undefined){ redirect.toRecord({ this should avoid issue on…
It may work on EDIT, but cannot work on View since there's no action to try to edit any field.
Hi James, I still have to ask you one thing. I have edited the form and set it as preferred. the role on NEW sales order use it the custom form properly, but on EDIT and VIEW brings the page to other forms. how can i set the form for all the activity?