My Stuff
Thank you hasan*** =) I will try this shortly. Just a quick question. I understand that the qty herein are the qty per assembly. Will I be able to also get the qty that was sold?
This is a highly requested item that is currently considered in the next release. We are planning on creating a page that will allow user to view the hierarchical levels in a bill of materials. This page will display the quantity per immediate assembly and quantity per top level assembly for each member. For example, if…
Thanks Evan. Does this mean that I will be able to include the disc. taken? Or at least create a search for disc. taken? How will I do this? Appreciate your kind assistance. EDIT: Hi Evan - I just found the field for the Orig. Amt. (Applied To Transaction: Amount) and Payment (Applied to Link Amount). If you can also…
Thanks Evan. Still figuring this out... what I did for now is exposed the Orig. amount and the Payment column, get its difference and multiply to the Orig. amount. That gave me the discount taken in %
Do all the terms end in the number of days? Hi Evan. Not all terms end in no. of days, see some of the list below. Thanks. 1% 10 Net 30 2% 10 Net 30 30 Days 45 Days 60 Days DA + 30 Net 15 Net 30 Net 45 Net 60 Net 30 Wire Transfer O/A + 30 Days ROG 30 Days
Thanks Evan. I understand that I have to make my terms to be in uniform format (i.e. Net 15, Net 30 etc.), but I have other terms such as O/A + 30 Days, 1% 10 Net 30, etc. Is there a way I can make this as condition. I was thinking of creating a custom field in my PO transaction form instead which will capture the no. of…
Thanks. will look on the enhancement and vote =)
Thanks hhernandez. I will try this and let you know how I go =) -Gary
Hi hhernandez - i used your script and it worked like a charm. Would it be also possible if I can capture not just the file name but also the location folder, something like S:\scans\testbill.jpg ? I have an issue with Firefox browser. After selecting the file, for example TESTBILL.JPG, it only captures part of the file…
Here you go: Field: Formula(Currency) Type: Count Formula: case when trunc({today}-{trandate})=31 then {customerno} end Label: Beg. last month Field: Formula(Currency) Type: Count Formula: NVL(case when trunc({today}-{trandate})=1 then {customerno} end,0) + NVL(case when trunc({today}-{trandate})=31 then {customerno}…
Thanks mgoodman. I have actually used CASE statements and got the formula already. Btw, since my saved search is grouped per location, there are cases that a customer made transactions from one location to another. Is it possible to still count this as 1 ?
In addition to my last post... Is there way to only count Unique customer nos. ? For example, if a customer made a transaction twice or more, is it possible to only count is Customer No. as 1?
Hello mgoodman, Basically, the custom record is named "Store Transactions". The criteria and results are as follows: Sample Data: Location (store location) SaleStartDate (date) Customer (10002020, 10002021, etc.) Criteria: Main Line is True SaleStartDate on or after 6/7/2009 (July 7, 2009) Customer is not 0 Results:…
Hi k_dunc and Vesku, Thank you for your responses Appreciate it a lot. Script is working like a charm. -Gary
I actually tried to use other fields i.e. account. It's strange that when I am testing it the first time, it's not working. But now suddenly, the script is working. Not sure what happened but anyway, thanks again for your kind help. Appreciate it a lot. =)
Hello again, I also wanted to apply this under the Expenses column ? Is this possible ? Thanks, Gary
Thanks again k_dunc. I'm actually trying to populate the Department this time. I've tried this one but doesn't work. Not sure what I am missing. function PopulateDept(type, name) { if(type === 'expense' && name === 'expense') { var deptmain = nlapiGetFieldValue('department'); nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue('expense',…
Thank you guys! =) Question: if i had to apply this user event script to a specific custom form only, how will I set that up?
Thanks for the replies. =) Hi Mon - our website is not hosted in netsuite.
Hi Evan, Case solved. It's actually the form that I am using. The first preferred form that I set is sales order external - cash and just realized that the Payment tab was disabled which shouldn't be. I then changed my preferred form to sales order external -invoice and did not encounter any problem. Thanks for your…
My vendor bill is associated with the purchase order, and it is under the history, purchase orders subtabs. However, when I created a vendor bill saved search and wanted to add the Ship To: (customer) field from the PO, I can't find it. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
RE: or transactions to record credit card purchases made by the company? (Transactions>Bank>Use Credit Card)? - Is it possible (is there a way) to do a CSV import, to upload credit card transactions made by compay/employee (i.e. Transactions>Bank>Use Credit Card? Please vote for Enhancement # - 151808 - Thanks
I also need this type of report or custom search where price level is included on the item report. NS told me that this is pending for enhancement, hope they will implement soon.
Hi, I cannot find the enhancement on SuiteIdeas so I submitted a new one. I am really hoping that we can have the ability to import credit card transactions (Transactions>Bank>Use Credit Card) using CSV import. This will really be a big relief. -Gary
Please vote for Enhancement # - 151808 Thank you.
Use a Formula (numeric) CASE WHEN {datecreated} >= to_date('1/1/2009', 'MM/DD/YYYY') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END UPDATE: I entered the wrong Date Created field name originally. -- what if the case is between 12/1/2009 and 12/6/2009 ?
CASE WHEN {datecreated} between '1-DEC-2009' AND '6-DEC-2009' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END Oracle has a 'between' operator for ranges. I am not sure if the straight date string value inside the apostrophe delimiter will work. You may have to use the TO_DATE function on the date instead. --Thanks, the to_date worked. Results: Field:…
Just re-sending with example: Hi, I am trying to create an expense report saved search and include the expense approval limit of the expense approver. So, basically, in an employee record, we have the Employee Name, Expense Approval Limit, Expense Approver. The Expense Approver is coming from Employee List. What I want to…
Just found the way to import a sales order with a shipping method.
I am also experiencing the same problem for two weeks now. What I usually do is split the CSV files to make it at least 1000 records per file (very tedious and time consuming). I've already contacted NS support for this: Case #1179415 Update : Defect 182923 .. hope for a resolution soon! EDIT: I was able to import 3.5Mb to…