My Stuff
Hello Community! Josh Maxwell, a User Experience Researcher for NetSuite Foundation has fun a question for you. Imagine for a moment that NetSuite had an assistant like Alexa or Siri. What would you ask of your NetSuite assistant? Use this survey link to share your top questions to the assistant.
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
I'm having the same issue on an invoice line item search. amount paid always displays 0.00 even if status is paid in full.
the "expense" sublist cannot be manually removed by customizing a transaction form. it is hard coded unless you turn it off with the global setting in accounting preferences. trying to avoid that though because I only need it removed from one form.
It is an expenses tab on a PO transaction that I only want to hide on one specific form. otherwise I would use the global setting. when I checked it didn't seem to be available on the form to hide.
Thanks for that info. Errors on the standard templates seem like pretty big oversights. maybe this should still be in beta...
I am also having this same issue. according to the records browser, "apply" should be the sublist but we can't seem to get it working.
I have the same concern. we need netsuite to manage 1099's for DIV and interest. How do other's manage these needs. is there a workaround?
Thanks everyone, no i understand that departments, classes and locations are the best way to do this. someone just asked me if there was a max and if so what it was. I was just curious.
how many subaccounts are able to be linked? what is the limit?
Just adding to the list. We have the same issue here. I've heard of some fairly complex solutions using scriptable PDF templates but its a bubblegum and shoestrings solution. to tie everything together with custom fields and script all the line items into one PDF. Consolidated invoicing would be great but it is not in…
Hi Anthony. I know this was submitted many years ago but we are having the same issue. apparently sourcing and filtering is not possible in an online form and i'm trying to find a way to remove select options from a list/record field as well based on the company. my example is that a list of records should filter if the…
Shoot i've been wondering this same thing too. text is overlapping when i export to pdf. i found that if you click print, and save to PDF that way, columns are sized equally but it causes some other display issues. (using google chrome)
Here was my idea: 1. I gave myself a global permission to publish dashboards on my employee record. 2. Clicked on the Publish Dashboard link on my admin settings shortcut. 3. Copied the URL 4. Log into my employee Center role and paste the URL This gets me to the publish dashboard page and it recognizes employee center but…
I had a similar question. I am able to use suiteflow to default the classifications in the Main pane. but i am trying to set the classifications (columns). suiteflow only lets me set values for Class(Main) for example.
Thanks for checking. I figure they are applying updates. just bad timing for me.
no, sorry the link works but i still get the error after attempting to install.
FYI,this morning i tried again and it worked.
Using 4.3.2 . Corey, i think the link you posted might be a dead end. or maybe i'm having issues.
Same error here as well. I can't seem to find a way to fix it.
Just wondering if you ever found a way to do this? the electronic bank payments module only supports ACH to my knowledge but we were hoping to do something for wires as well.
This is the right way to do things. I've just become so accustomed to ss1.0 ironside
I feel like an idiot. thanks :)
great, this worked. I'll just need to be wary of finding the right index to begin on. Thanks!
That's what I ended up doing. I just prefer returning values the old way.
I have the same issue and have just been using the help documentation to help write anything for the new api. its a much slower process unfortunately having to double check everything.
No, I have a case open along with a few others. in the meantime i'm just using more debug logs or ss 1.0. I'm glad it's not just me though at least.
just fyi, i have the curly braces below too. i didn't write that above. scriptContext.newRecord.selectNewLine({sublistId: 'currency'});
oh wow. I didn't realize we couldn't govern the execution context in 2.0 yet until you said that. That renders a few of my scripts useless. thanks MChammaTX
I just heard back on this that the debugger is being updated to better support suitescript 2.0. Maybe in the near future we'll see improvements.
I have a similar solution that i've used at multiple businesses and it seems fairly seamless but requires two workflows. 1. Your approval workflow 2. a rejection workflow on a custom record that sends an email and redirects a user back to the transaction after saving. first, create a custom record called "Rejection" with a…
RE: help? Currency variation on amount based WF Hello, You may want to have a look at the API nlapiExchangeRate, and WorkFlow Action Scripts. nlapiExchangeRate(sourceCurrency, targetCurrency, effectiveDate) Use this API to get the exchange rate between two currencies based on a certain date. The exchange rate values you…