My Stuff
I would use web services or restlets.
If the cookie that is creating is tied to you will never be able to mimic the cookie. A cookie must be set by the domain that needs it. You can probably modify the cookie by hand once it is set on your browser but you will need cookie editor software and I don't think this is…
- is a custom site fully integrated with Netsuite using webservices.
Check out We are using them for chat (our website is not a Netsuite website but integrated with Netsuite). We are not using their integration with Netsuite however but it was one of the selling points if we decide to do it in the future.
We did option #2 for one of our clients and built the site in java. We had to go with option #2 because the functionality needed could not be done as option #1 or #3 after spending about 4 months with Netsuite sales and professional services to fit it into #1 or #3 ( :h_a_w: ). Going with option #2 we ran across some…
Based on your description it still doesn't appear to be a custom checkout url for the issue you are trying to resolve. They all still are a different domain from your actual site. For example: your site is then when you checkout you want your user's going to or even better stay at…
Chris, The company I am with is an Endeca certified partner. I don't think Endeca will plug nicely into Netsuite as you are probably hoping it would. I have sent you an offline message with more details.
We were upgraded on Friday and run 2013.1 web services. We have not experienced any problems so far and our code/servers are not set up for TLS 1.2 yet. I will have more info next week when we move to code/servers which support TLS 1.2.
We get these all the time. Web Services work great for weeks or months and then suddenly a bunch of unexpected errors. They last for a few minutes to a few days and then go away just as randomly. No code changes on our side either. I have reported it to support multiple times over the past 4 years and they can't find the…
Take the internalid and fetch the sales order again to get the actual data that you need. Only way we could get it to work. Makes the integration very chatty but it does work.
You could take a customer deposit and if that is successful then submit the SO for saving. Then once you get the SO internalid update the customer deposit with the SO internalid so the deposit is tied to the sales order.
We have been experiencing the same issue for 4+ years now. It has been reported to support when it does occur but they have never been able to reproduce it. At least the 2 of you have proved that I am not crazy. My hunch is that the webservice endpoint is in a load-balanced clustered environment and at times there is a…
Is this documented somewhere? I need to see how to do it for Java. Thanks for your help.
Yes. The shipping method is set to UPS Ground. UPS Ground is set to be some dollar amount per item in our shipping item setup. Via webservices we allow the shipping rate to be set to $0.00. This works. The problem is if the webservice needs to update the estimate to remove the $0.00 cost for the shipping and let Netsuite…
Are the items on the sales order assembly items that contain lots of member items? If so, we had an issue years ago where sales orders would take about that long to process if not longer. We eventually had to change how we entered sales orders and use lots of timer based scripts to solve our issue. For the past week our…
Thanks. This worked perfectly.
The problem was double/floating point math. We convert to pennies and in that conversion in some cases the value was changing to use significant digits. Example. 101.60 * 100 would become 10159.99999999999999999999999 Still it would be much safer to pass all currency values around as pennies so it is always an integer.
Do you have assembly items on your sales order that all need work orders to be created? We had an issue years ago where sales orders would take forever because inventory needed to be checked and then taken for each member item of the assembly item. Since all our lines items were assembly items requiring a work order the…
What language does the integration need to occur in? Java, PHP, .NET?
Yes. It is done exactly as Daniel stated. It is a 2 step operation. We do it all the time via web services and have not had any problems.
We use webservices to perform all work within in Netsuite but in Java. We see a similar message but only see it once every couple of months. When we do it is usually a known network problem. I would check to make sure your network connections are good. It sounds as if your network is flaking out and the connection to…
Guys, if you go breaking the interface to your product, people are going to get a little upset! +1 And our account manager wonders why I gave a poor review of Netsuite?
Do you have terms set for the customer?
I am pretty sure NS does not support JMS meaning there is no queue on the NS side listening for messages. You could implement JMS on your own middletier. Your app could send messages into the queue on your middletier and then your middletier coud handle the messages by calling the appriopriate NS web service or REST call.…
Do you have a web services license? This allows one account to have up to 5 concurrent sessions at a time. I am not sure if you can add multiples together (get 2 licenses for 10 concurrent connections). With 5 concurrent sessions you could thread your nightly update so that it runs concurrently and in theory reducing the…
Thanks for the information. That was my understanding from what I read. I just wanted a confirmation.
Joe, As Mihir said, if you create a transaction record [estimate or sales order] you can calculate the tax. For tax to be calculated properly you will need to provide at least the ship-to state and zip code. We are currently doing this and it seems to work fine.
We are currently doing (a). Our hope was that we could do (b) after reviewing with sales and professional services. Only after a few weeks we found that (b) was not possible. We also found that the Netsuite webstore was not customizable enough for what we were doing with our store. So, in the end we have a completly custom…
To followup I also have the following in my code. cogsAccount.setType(RecordType.account); Doing this I get the assembly item created but the COGS account is empty. So the question is how do I reference the Account using the account number. I would think the account number is the externalid but doing a search on accounts I…
I would be interested to learn how advanved search works out for you. We had a similar problem searching for customers and changed to advanced search. It runs better but at times still takes way too long [ie 2-3 minutes].