My Stuff
Can PayPal be used via Netsuite web services?
Regarding #2 - I fought with Netsuite over this for weeks. They supposedly fixed it but maybe Cybersource is still allowing those characters for our account. I have weeks worth of email exchanges between support and our account manager regarding the issue. Are you on 2013.2 or 2014.1? I sure hope the issue doesn't come…
We contacted Cybersource last night and the new validation has been turned off for us. However they will only turn it off for 30 days. 29 days and counting until Netsuite needs to have a fix in place.
Netsuite please attach us to the same defect. [UPDATE -- support just added us but come to find out... we created the defect based on Sandbox errors]
Not experiencing all the issues that you are but I am sure they are present. That being said #2 in your list is killing us. It should not be difficult to fix but they can't figure it out. Regarding AVS, check the Cybersource raw request and see what Netsuite is sending. In some cases they are sending their corporate office…
Are you seeing the same thing that I am seeing? If you look in the Cybersource raw data you can see that Netsuite is still sending the offending characters. At least this is what I saw in Sandbox against test Cybersource (which we also had validation turned off for). Once we are 110% sure Netuite has solved the problem, we…
Not sure if this is what is going on but Comcast needs a valid reverse DNS record for the server sending the emails to Comcast. This can be found in the SMTP logs of the sending server since any email to Comcast would be denied immediately.
Figured out that it was a custom field type change that was inconsistent. Changed to long text and canceled part way through. Then set to text area. The text area took on the custom field but the inventory item custom field was changed to long text. UX people - Might be a good idea to modal block the screen when the change…
Thanks for the help. It would be really nice if the member sublist is customizable. The "fake" tab just sounds like too many things could go wrong. I think we will just settle on adding a custom field to the assembly item and putting any notes in there and reference the item ids in the member sublist in the note.
Look into Facebook Open Graph tags. The open graph tags tell Facebook how to classify your page and provide all the details about it to Facebook.
As a follow-up to this - in the after submit how do you know which line item the PO is for? I have a similar issue where the fields on the PO are set differently based on the non-inventory item it is being created for.
Update: I found that the setValue line was incorrect. That has been fixed but the same error is occurring. It appears according to support that the boolean value of the set is not getting passed in and Netsuite sees the value as null.
We worked with Netsuite Professional services on creating a set of scripts. They all reference library.js. So I would think Netsuite Professional services created it as a utility library. Not sure if it is actually used or not but I do remember seeing some good things in there.
This is very helpful for scheduled scripts but how would one get around the usage limit on a user event? We run a script to do determine an advanced promotion (which Netsuite is not capable of doing natively). To perform the calculation for the advanced promotion we need to do a nlapiLookupField on every line item of the…
Could you explain more? Again NS professional services wrote the original script so I would assume they would have optimized as much as they could. Here is one of the calls I am making in the item loop nlapiLookupField('item',stItem,['custitem_promotional','type','custitem_related_proxy_item']); The other call is var…
Why not have your mobile app communicate with your own app server. Your own app server can then make the necessary calls to Netsuite. Your app server can handle any pooling or waiting for connections to open inside your app server and not make the mobile app do it.
Yes but it was a royal PITA. We calculate our own ASA and increase it by the discount amount. Then when the commissions calculate using the ASA the discount comes back out of the ASA so in the end the ASA does not include the discount. The negative to this is the ASA is always inflated if you are running reports against…
Any status on this? We are running into major problems with this scenario
We had a related issue in sales orders took forever to save since every item on the sales order is an assembly item which needed to be created dynamically. Each assembly is custom based on what the customer selected. The sales order was taking more than 20 seconds to save on 90% of our orders because supposedly the sales…
As far as I know you are not able to get to the underlying database except via ODBC as provided by Netsuite. I think we can safely assume that the database is Oracle. Since there is no access to the underlying database there is no way to determine the version, SQL available, or ability to set character encodings at a USER…
I might be faced with this situation soon. I would interested in seeing how you are creating the work orders from the sales order. I have a situation where dynamically generated assembly items are added to a sales order via a scheduled script. Each of these new assembly items need a work order created for them when the…
Sean, I understand limited development resource and lots of demand but that needs to be balanced. How many current NetSuite customers are using PayPal PayFlowPro today vs the other platforms [CyberSource and Merchant e-Solutions]. If PayFlowPro has a good user base why switch? Obviously your customers like them for some…
Is there an official Netsuite response on this? This documentation did not exist 45 days as I used the documentation to setup a test instance of PayFlowPro and never saw anything about it being a legacy system and no longer supported. How can functionality be removed from a system without telling customers?
Well that explains it. I setup a PayFlowPro test instance in late December / early January. Again, is there an official Netsuite response on this? Why was it removed? Why was no notice given to customers? You maintain all the data so you could easily notify all customers who are using PayFlowPro.
Gone from our account as well. However, the payflow pro account that we had setup is still there. Has anyone contacted support yet? If so what are the case / issue numbers so that all these can be tied together to prove it is an actual problem that affects multiple customers.
Thanks for the information. Sure enough the shipping address was disabled for estimates in the configuration. I checked the box to enable the viewing of shipping address and I was able to add a shipping address to the estimate.
Use Accept Customer Payment This is certainly an alternate solution but it does not use Customer Deposit but instead a Customer Payment. My understanding is that a payment would be for a payment against an invoice. A deposit is an amount paid that is not against an invoice yet. How does Netsuite intend for their users to…
Ok. Seems odd that you could accept a payment via ACH and not a deposit. So, if you can really accept a customer payment via EFT how do you enter the bank account and routing number via the Customer Payment webservice or even the UI. There is no place in the UI or webservice to enter the account number and routing number.
This helps. We need to accept deposits as we are accepting advanced payment that we want as a liability until the goods are actually delivered. We do not want payments as we need to track the deposit as a liability. So... what do you suggest we do?
I think there is a limit on the number of items that can be included in the exclude or include list. I believe it is somewhere around 10,000 but that may not be exact. We had other problems with promotions that is somewhat related to excluding a whole vendor or parent item that forced us to use Suitescript. It is not…