My Stuff
I don't have any examples in C# as I am writing Java code. I can provide steps on what to do and hopefully this will help. Contact me offline and I can try to provide more detail as it is fairly involved if you only know C# basics. 1. Create a wrapper for all the netsuite calls you will need to make. Create a checkMethod…
You can keep a web service login around. Once you log into the webservice, you will need to store the handle in an object. Then whenever you need to use the webservice again, use that handle. You will need to make a simple call to check if the webservice login session is still active. If that call is successful then you…
Is there a way to get all the CustomList records via a getAll or search? If I can do this, then I can cache all the CustomList data so I don't need to go fetch it every time I need it.
Thanks for the info. This is what I was expecting someone to say but wanted to confirm. This is also highly inefficient as I need to call a get for every SelectCustomFieldRef field that is in my InventoryItem. Is there plans to fix this inefficiency?
Wiktor -- I assume this is production? What are your response times normally in production? Do you see lots of timeouts in production? I ask because we are in the process of building something out that relies on web services with fast response times. If the production web services are down often and response times for…
At least now I know everyone has the same issue with the Sandbox. But the bigger and more important question: How much faster is production? What are the average response times for production? We are still in development. We do not want to switch to production until we are ready to do some live testing.
I don't think this will do what I am looking to do. I want to get a list of all available shipping methods. It appears that the code which you provided will get the shipping method record if I already know the name of the shipping method. I don't know the name which is why I want a list of all the shipping methods. How…
This javascript function should work for you.
We need to have a handling fee on our PO but not charge the customer the handling fee on the SO. The customer doesn't need to know about the handling fee that they are not being charged for. I figured it out via scripting. We just add an Other Charge for Purchase on the PO via scripting.
Is the only solution still scripting? I added an Other Charge for Resale with a price of $0 and then the vendor's drop ship fee as the purchase price. I tried adding the Other Charge for resale to the Sales Order and it appears on the SO with $0 price. Then when the SO is fulfilled, I am getting my product line item on the…
Same problems here. Netsuite says it is our problem because of custom scripts and workflows.
Really not looking forward to this release. Our users are mostly on laptops so I expect to hear lots of complaints. Agree with deisouss. If you need to tell your users to set the zoom to 90% and change settings it is a huge Red Flag. Seriously look into responsive design.
Thanks. This will definitely be useful in the future for us. We do everything (and I mean everything) via SOAP now. I would love to get away from it and move to REST. Thanks for the information and I am sure we can contribute back once we start to use it.
Bergerusa - as others have said, Netsuite has full control of this board and can do as they please. That being said, I think they are fairly tolerant to a point. I am pretty vocal on here and voice my problems with Netsuite pretty openly. I call them out on things in what I hope is a constructive way for the most part. If…
We had a similar issue back on October 22nd on 2010.1. It occured for 30 - 45 minutes and then everything started working again. This was via web-services. Support is still looking into the case.
Zach - I think you missed the point completely. Sshelly wants to connect their netsuite system to a third part vendor's MAS200 system. Sshely has no control over the vendor's choice of systems. Your answer was absurd. Sshelly - have you looked into transferring the data via edi and using some sort of edi integration…
NOT RESOLVED!! We are still experiencing the issue right now when connecting via webservices. Support filed Defect 472069 : Login to Sandbox > Error : 'Your Session has timed out. Please login again' for this. The issue has since been resolved.
ETA is 9/21 for Defect : 462003 Access RESTlets in SB2 and SB3 using Account-Specific Domain URLs > Invalid host <scompid> It is not just restlets. It is also webservices. How could something like this be deployed that has ZERO chance of working?
Doesn't matter if they are in experimental mode or not. The reason they don't work is there is no DNS entries for them. If they got them into DNS as CNAMES and just pointed them back then we would all be good. So much with the release of 2017.2 - you must use the getDataCenterUrl. On top of that we moved to a new data…
Taken right from SuiteAnswers (coloring in red is mine) You use the getDataCenterUrls operation to obtain the correct URL for external client access to NetSuite. This operation is critical because NetSuite hosts customer accounts in multiple data centers. The correct URL for web services access varies depending on the data…
Same problem here
roberth I tried just putting an entry in our hosts file so the name would resolve to the real address. It works but then there is an AXIS fault because there seems to be a check on the URL.
Same Undeliverable message here as well
Same here
We are having slow response times via webservices when creating estimates. Before 11am MT it was taking sub 7 seconds. From 11 - 11:30MT it was taking 10 - 25 seconds. Not it is taking over 100 seconds. There is a clearly an issue going on.
Same here. We are using webservices and they are completely down.
Had the same issue starting on Friday. Email was not being sent at all or very sporadic from Friday through today. I have not heard any complaints today from sales reps or customer service but it is still early.
Same here. Webservices are even worse and all our webservice integration with NetSuite are timing out. This basically halts our business.
What type of lines are you ordering? Inventory items or assembly items? If assembly items how large is the member list? We ran into a problem years ago with sales orders and assembly items that the sales order was checking inventory on each member item of each assembly when submitting the sales order.
Up and down here as well. has no update for today now. It was there earlier but is now missing. Actually was on a call with support when went down. They were having similar issues as well. Now a good way to start the week off.