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Oracle Analytics Server Migration to Another Server (Publisher content)Product: Oracle Analytics Server 7.6 OS: Oracle Linux 7.9 Scenario: I am trying to duplicate a set of server data from Server A to Server B. Based on my research, the sc…
BI publisher Scheduler not working in OAS 7.6: JobStore class org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore propsBI publisher Scheduler not working in OAS 7.6: BI Publisher not able to schedule a report and also not able to open Report Jobs after In-place upgrade from OAS 7.0 to OA…
Unable to find PVOs for BICC extract for the views CTO_MATCH_V, CTO_SALES_VWe need to extract data related to Configured Item Structure from Supply Chain Orchestration using Oracle Integration Cloud. As per Oracle recommendation we cannot use B…
Table name with Delivery Configuration detailsI am looking for the tables that has the delivery configuration details. I want to fetch the email address from this page to use in a DM SQL. Navigation: Administration>…
Merged Cell in Excel Template of BIP ReportHi All, How do I generate the report shown below? I wish to merge common text in "Organization" and generate report like below. Please provide pointers to any link for r…
Anyone else have trouble with RTF tables after a recent Microsoft Word update?For the last several years, I've been maintaining a BI Publisher RTF template with multiple, carefully sized and placed tables—both nested and independent—without incide…
The XML which we have pulled for the Job History doesn't hold the Job statusThe XML which we have pulled for the Job History doesn't hold the Job status if it is success or failed the against individual employee if the job is success of failure …
REST API with HTTPS URL shows 404 error. The same URL with weblogic port works. What is the issue?We are using OAP7.6 Install Standalone Analytics. I configured OHS for HTTPS URL, but any URL that goes via HHTP give me 404 error. Can we use HTTP server with REST API?…
History Information for Item StatusHi, I have been trying to find the correct table that captures historic item attributes, such as the Date it was updated, Name (our item #), Field, Old value and New val…
Run report using Rest API - /services/rest/v1/reports/{reportPath}/runWe are trying to run report using Rest API - /services/rest/v1/reports/{reportPath}/run. But we are facing an error - 404 Not found. URL used: https://host.com:port/xmlp…
Oracle BI Reports,in report output the dates are not coming as per the format set in user preferenceWe are working on Oracle BI Reports, in report output the dates are not coming as per the format set in user preferences,
error while installing OBIEE 11g on OS RHEL 8.10Hello, Oracle Analytics community! Maybe someone knows - is it possible to install OBIEE on RHEL 8.10? Or are there any tricks to pass the checks - it fails o…
Simplest programmatic way of scheduling BI Publisher jobs in Fusion FinancialsSummary: Any light touch report scripted report submission tools that can be used with Fusion Financials for BI Publisher scheduled job submission Content (please ensure…
How can I extract data in csv format with all string/text fields double quoted n double quotes escapI want to create a data extract in csv format with all string/text fields double quoted and double quotes escaped, how can I do this?
Report with all text fields double quoted and double quotes escapedWe have a requirement to extract data with all string/text fields double quoted and double quotes escaped. How can we best accomplish it? May be in the e-text template?
RTF Template: Max function not workingWe have an RTF template that is pulling the start and end date of an element name. We want to get the minimum start date and maximum end date of the Regular Retro. What …
How restrict custom BI report data based on flexfield segment valueHi All, We want to restrict custom BI report data based on users department which is maintained using second segment of accounting flexfild. Is there any way to restrict…
Need Latest Data Lineage Document for DFFs and their associated VOs for BICC cloud extractSummary: Need Latest Data Lineage Document for DFFs and their associated VOs for BICC cloud extract. Lot of BI enabled DFFs are not available in Doc ID 2463485.1. For ex…
Oracle Analytics Server Component UpdateDuring the installation process, I selected only the Oracle Analytics Publisher component, enabling the use of /xmlpserver. In the future, if I wish to update the domain…