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Configure Price Quote
Discussion List
How can we enable the Quick Registration Subscription type for Partner organization?Summary: With the 24C upgrade, we have received a new feature under Integration: Enable Single Sign-On for a Quick Registration Company. As part of this update, a dropdo…
New Commerce ProcessSummary: Have few open questions in regards to New Commerce Process build : Question 1 : Can we use same settings [process id, action_id_copy] as mentioned in e.g. below…
Hello, how can we change the superuser email?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, We would like to change the superuser to another email in PROD environment. How can we do …
approve_reject_icon_submit_t attribute editable with read only settingSummary: ApproveReject_reason Submit attribute (approve_reject_icon_submit_t) is editable even with read only setting for the approver profile in a particular step. Idea…
what is the different document said "Full Access users." and "Host Company Full Access users."Summary: we see this in the user detail This permission is only available to Full Access users. Web Services Only Web Services Only users are special user accounts which…
How to extract Configuration data from CPQ with REST/SOAP serviceswe are looking REST/SOAP service to extract configuration data from CPQ in bulk.
special character search in commerce dynamic attributeSummary: When we search the special characters in commerce dynamic menu attribute then we are not any results. example : This menu entry is present in the list "Lăcrămio…
Store revision numbers from Approval history in Another AttributeSummary Store revision numbers from Approval history in Another AttributeContent Dear All, we are building the approval history in table format where we are unable to ge…
How to get the dynamic token from _transaction_approve_link and _transaction_reject_linkHello Team, We need to customize the email approval response as per the business requirement. In the approval email we need to show the approve and reject links as image…
in Admin log, , is there a way to see user access changes?Summary: In the admin Log, I attach the Jun 2024 log for who was added in May, but the log do not show much detail, what is the ref_ID 847573…
CPQ extract best practicesSummary: What are the best practices for extracting data from CPQ? Additionally, we need real-time data from CPQ to be available in external systems. Any insights or rec…
Send Status Updates for Fulfillment LinesSummary: We are using a Fusion plus CPQ architecture. From CPQ we create and submit Sales Order to FOM via OIC. Wondering if/how "Send Status Updates for Fulfillment Lin…
Is there a way to see all Actions that use a Printer Friendly XSL ViewSummary: IIs there a way to see all Actions that use a Printer Friendly XSL View? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there a way to see al…
GetTransaction API truncating the value of text area attribute when string is more than 100 charsSummary: We are making getTransaction API to fetch the value of all Transaction attributes. For the text area attribute having value more than 100 chrs, gettrasaction re…
Can you use Oracle CPQ Fusion Bridge to map freight charges in Oracle Order ManagementCan you use Oracle CPQ Fusion Bridge to map freight charges in Oracle Order Management
Can you use Oracle CPQ Fusion Bridge to map freight charges in Oracle Order ManagementCan you use Oracle CPQ Fusion Bridge to map freight charges in Oracle Order Management
Is there a way to export Config arrays to Excel sheet in CPQ?Summary: We want to export the Configuration array to excel sheet through the configuration UI. Is there any way in CPQ to achieve it? Content (please ensure you mask an…
Steps to connect CPQ with Oracle Fusion PIMSummary: Steps to connect CPQ with Oracle Fusion PIM Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Our environment is currently connected salesforce for…
Increasing the Currency Precision for CPQ InstanceSummary: Hi, We are trying to increase the precision of the currecies like CAD,JPY,EUR upto 4 decimal places from host company settings in CPQ. But this is giving us the…
how to mass update transaction attribute via REST API Call using Mass Update processHi, I need to update some columns which is empty in transaction header using "SAve" action . which is to be performed by REST API using Mass Update function. it will be …
EA cost for EPICSummary: Where is Purchasing Attribute located in Oracle. EPIC is requesting to document EA unit cost if the item comes in an extended packaging string. In the BPA the u…
How can I set required on commerce Dynamic Menu attribute?Summary: I want to set required on commerce Dynamic Menu attribute, but the checkbox of it wasn't shown up. How can I configure that? Content (please ensure you mask any…
How to identify on click of submit that quote will escalate for approval or Autosubmit?Summary: We have a requirement where we need to run some business logic when quote approves completely. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We…
Message to inform user about max attribute length in CPQWe have restricted the attribute length from 255 to 30 char. Requirement is to inform the user about the max attribute length when user tries to exceed maximum char. Thi…
Make config attribute read only on reconfigure action.Summary: Hi Team, I have to make read only few configuration attributes when I click on reconfigure action. How we can achieve it? Let us suppose we have 1 text attribut…
Mass Update of TransactionsSummary: I have found the knowledge article (Doc ID 1660324.1) for mass updates of transactions. I want to perform a mass update of 1 quote field for a couple of hundred…
Any REST API similar to criteria query of Delete API of CPQ Data TablesSummary: Hi, We are amid of a major optimization and as part of SOAP to REST conversions of all the data table API calls, we also want to optimize the delete call we are…
I want to create a data table for all products with todays list price and selling priceSummary: I want to create a data table for all products with todays list price and selling price so that I can export the records from this data table to an sftp server.…
how hard is to create a column last_update_date in CPQ Data table and default to current datehow hard is to create a column last_update_date in CPQ Data table and default to current date so that we can pull only recently changed rows from a data table. Please le…
Group by option missing for My approval searchSummary: It seems like the "Group By" option at the right side of New Transaction Manager Redwood UI is missing for "My Approval search" . Group by option populate for a…