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Discussion List
Asset Otbi Report with Po NumberHI Guys I have been developed OTBI Report for F Asset to Display (Asset Number, Asset Cost, Date Placed In Service, ETC) and i need To add PO Number but when added Po Nu…
Why we cannot adjust unit for lease assetSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Our lease asset charges to 3 cost centers, unit depreciation expense account 0.9538 HK178 0.0257 …
update Descriptive Flexfield in Fixed asset through SpreadsheetSummary: update fixed assets descriptive flexfield through spreadsheet for existing assets. do we have any such kind of functionality where we can change the descriptive…
can we update only source line information on the existing Asset using FBDISummary: can we update only source line information(Asset Invoice Number, Invoice Line Num, PO Num, Vendor Name) on the existing Asset using FBDI Content (please ensure …
Is there any scenario where system stops to closed the Fixed Asset period?Summary: Fixed Asset can be closed even if there is an unaccounted transactions. Is there any scenario where system stops to closed the Fixed Asset period? Content (plea…
fully retired and reinstated asset details showing zeor value for net book value etc in the query.Hi, We have a query that fetches details of the asset like ytd_deprn, deprn_reserve, PTD_DEPRN, net book value and a few other columns. This query fetches all the detail…
Can we post the asset in current period but calculate the depreciation in next period?Summary: We have scenario where we want to capitalize the asset in open period but wants to calculate depreciation in next period. For example : Open period is Sep-23 an…
Manage Physical Inventory Access MissingSummary: I added the pre requisites and followed steps in How Does Function Asset Physical Inventory Work In Fusion? (Doc ID 2139408.1) The following were assigned to th…
REST API or webservice to get Fixed asset location segment valuesSummary: While creating a Fixed Asset we need to provide location segment values. As we are replicating the asset creation UI on vbcs, we are trying to find from where w…
Unable to select Legal Entity segment value in Asset Category tagging to Asset bookSummary: We recently created new ledger and Asset book and trying to assign categories. But while entering values for account defaults all other segment values are popul…
REST API to get Manage Asset Location valuesSummary: I am looking for a REST API which will return all the Asset location values Country, State, County and City as defined in the below screenshot. Content (please …
What is Recoverable Cost in the asset inquiry window?Summary: Content (required): What is the Recoverable Cost in the asset inquiry window? Is it the same as current cost or is there any purpose or way the Recoverable Cost…
Validation on proceeds of sale based on retirement reasonIn the retire assets page, there are fields for retirement reason and proceeds of sale. These fields are both optional fields and independent of each other. Is it possib…
How to write down the value of an asset, without actually retiring it?Summary: How to write down the value of an asset, without actually retiring it? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Some assets are movi…
Retire assets through spreadsheetSummary Retire assets through spreadsheetContent Hi, When we retire assets through spreadsheet, we are facing an error. The required parameters are invalid or missing. E…
For Cloud Computing Asset is there any separate depreciation method to account separatelySummary: CIP Asset and Cloud Computing Assets are being interfaced from PPM to FA. For Cloud Computing Asset is there any separate depreciation method to account separat…
How to activate Allow source lines rule from tax book after the charge of the fixed assetsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
No depreciation is getting calculated on retire member asset in tax bookSummary:No depreciation is getting calculated on retire member asset in tax book Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the vers…
Rest API for Fixed AssetsSummary Is there rest api support for Fixed AssetsContent I was referring to which documents the re…
Assets Period close ExceptionI have few transfer entries which are not accounted as we don't have intercompany rules enabled. How to correct them and how to close the assets period?
Mass Update Asset Category Depreciation Method and Life In Years and Month for one tax bookSummary: Need to update the Depreciation Method on 3k + categories for one tax book Any comprehensive documentation on how to automate using Export/Import from CSV file?…
How to correct asset depreciation rollback accountingSummary: An asset was posted with an incorrect primary balancing segment. A transfer was done to correct the depreciation account. The accounting generated by the Additi…
Checking impacts of setup difference between Corporate Book and Tax BookSummary: Hi, i would like to seek help in checking the impacts of Scenarios below. (Attached is the sample incase below illustration confuses) Scenario 1 New FA with gap…
How system calculates depreciation reserve and YTD depreciation in Table methodsSummary: How system calculates depreciation reserve and YTD depreciation in Table methods Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How system calcu…
What are the steps to complete an asset disposal?Is this the same as an asset retirement? Please detail the steps below. Any help is much appreciated!
Oracle Fusion Assets- Accounting entries with Balance Sheet accounts should go to one BSV.Summary: BSV for Balance sheet account should go to XYX entity and BSV for Income Statement account should go to the ABC entity which was entered while keying in Depreci…
Update Asset with project Detail (Project Number, task)Summary: I understand that it is not possible to update or include project details in an existing asset. I have also checked this document i have also checked and read t…
How to Bulk Update the PO, Invoice, supplier Fields on the Source Lines of Fixed AssetsSummary: How to Bulk Update the fields PO, Invoice, supplier Fields on the Source Lines of Fixed Assets Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): be…