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General Ledger & Intercompany
Discussion List
Add "Accounting Period" as a field in the header of the Import Journals ADFDI templateSummary: The client wants to add the Accounting Period as a parameter in the header part of the Import Journals through spreadsheet ADFDI template, then when selected, t…
Is there an API to create update and get GL Budgets?This we can do through a FBDI Load,But do we have an API for it?
International Netting Roaming SolutionHi We are implementing Oracle for a telecom partner. Appreciate any solution/inputs which you might have used in your telecom partner oracle finance implementation. Than…
Intercompany SweepSummary: We have a requirement regarding the Intercompany Sweep functionality. Requirement – Any report/ log file that can give them all the IC transactions details, whi…
GL Calendar Change from Fiscal to Calendar Impact Analysis help on AR SideOur current GL Calendar is setup as Jul-23 to Jun-24 followed by one adjustment period 13_Jun-24. Till Jun-27 calendar defined and available in Production. we are in Nov…
Journal Approval Rule by Spreadsheet - 'Created by' username - can it be case-insensitive ?Summary: For Journal Approval rule, batch 'created by' is case-sensitive. Would like to make it case-insensitive. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…
Moved: Accounting for an Invoice When the Goods Haven’t Been ReceivedThis discussion has been moved.
How to define filter condition at Ess level?Summary: Needs to define a filter condition on a custom Account Analysis Report at ESS level. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (inc…
Validate Cross Validation Rule using Rest APIDear All, Is there an API that would allow validating an accounting key (including cross-validation rules) before injecting FBDI file? Is there an API that would allow k…
GL_JE_Batches Documentation Incorrect?Summary: What is the APPROVER_EMPLOYEE_ID field in the GL_JE_BATCHES table? Documentation appears to be incorrect. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
Journal Approval for GLSummary: I have a requirement for approval where if the journal accounting period and the creation date period belong to a different period, then it should route to appr…
How legal reporting units are managed on transactionsSummary: We have the need to define Legal entities and Establishments for each Legal Entity: For ex. Legal Entity 1 "LE1" has 2 establishments "LE1 - EST1" and "LE2 - ES…
gapless document sequencingHi We are implementing gapless document sequencing for AP and AR. Can we incomplete or delete the transaction or make changes to a transaction without affecting gapless …
What are the impacts of having a one to one relationship between business unit and legal entity?Summary: Content (required): From an enterprise structure perspective, it has always been known to follow a ledger-> business unit -> legal entity hierarchy, where there…
Is it possible to add a Reconciliation Reference to already posted transactions automaticallyDear reader, Is it possible to add a Reconciliation Reference to already posted transactions automatically, so not via Reconcile Clearing Accounts Manually and entering …
Budget upload templateSummary: Can an extra column be added to the GL Budget Upload Template? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can an extra column be added to th…
Transactions Created Via Intercompany Process Are Being Generated With Status IncompleteThe transactions imported from Global intercompany to AR are imported as Incomplete transactions so there is a need for a someone to manually go and complete the transac…
Can we enable future segment as Intercompany Segment ?Summary: We currently do not have intercompany segment in our chart of accounts, and have been live for over 2 years. We now need intercompany segment. Our company segme…
Need help on a query with Account hierarchiesSummary: I need to retrieve GL balances based on the account hierarchies and I am not able to get it for the 2nd level child. I am able to do it for one level. In the qu…
Moved: Error in Common Lookup Migration ExternalReportWSSService APIThis discussion has been moved.
We want COA values in Chinese Language for specific userSummary: As highlighted in below screenshot. Requirement is to display COA Values for specific users in Chinese Language Content (please ensure you mask any confidential…
How to create Intercompany transactions with ProjectsSummary: How to create Intercompany transactions with Projects Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How to create Intercompany transactions wit…
Unable to load 'Manage Journal' page.Summary: A user is having issues with loading the "manage journal" page. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The "Manage journal" page will no…
Is "Import Journal Reference" relevant for non-Oracle Sources?Summary: We are importing journal entries from a third party source directly to GL (AH not used). Is "Import Journal Reference" in Manage Journal Sources relevant for th…
Unable to Search in Manage Journals, page formatting is offSummary: Page formatting is off, search looks too high on the page and nothing is functional, no display fields (blank screen) Not affecting all users Content (please en…
Hierarchy - Baseline vs. CurrentSummary Purpose of having 2 version of same hierarchy with different effective dateContent When our company implemented Fusion Financials over 2 years ago, the consultan…
How to get the General ledger Accounting rules filters reated Code cominations from primary ledgersSummary: We are trying to get the code combinations from Primary ledger based on the General ledger Accounting rule filters defined for Secondary ledger code combination…
DffContextParameter SyntaxSummary: Has anyone used the binding parameter "DffContextParameter" in EL expression Content (required): I would like to know how can I use the binding parameter DffCon…
Why journal Approval in Intercompany doesnt work with negative transaction?I'm creating the simplest rule to test this out, but it is not working. Using TransactionHeader. TransactionBatch. RunningTotalDR with a between 50k-499k limit. When the…
Missing Access for a COA segment in a FRS report for a particular userSummary: Business user is missing access to Geography segment values (in parameter) in all the financial reports. Only able to see three values in the parameter. Content…