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Project Management
Discussion List
Draft Accounted Transaction Pulled into Capital Costs but Cost Not CapitalizedHas anyone encountered this. Created a Project with Manual Event capitalization.Created cost - some final costed some draft costed (one entry was an original cost in fin…
Project Budget editingSummary discussion for project budget edit in excelContent what is the difference between Periodic and Non Periodic edit in excel sheet for project budget Version Oracle…
Is it possible to generate forecast at summary and detail levelSummary: Please provide some insights on how to forecast at summary level WBS element(above lowest level cost code) and detailed level WBS element (lowest level cost cod…
Is there a way to put a Project Task Transaction Control on Job Level without filling in the person?Summary: we need a task validation on Job, not on person level Content (required): Project Management Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 23A Cod…
Asset Capitalization - Estimated CostI am attempting the Estimated Cost capitalization method. I have 3 assets and I want to capitalize each one separately, in a phased approach and at a cost that I input. …
Next Billing DateWhere am I able to see a contract line's or bill plans next billing date through the user interface? Same question in the database table for reporting
Resource Breakdown Structure - SupplierSummary: What's the functionality of Planning Resource Breakdown Structure- Supplier? Content (required): Create Planning RBS with Supplier Resource Format and add Suppl…
Project Template Not appearing for Project Creation in Project Financial ManagementContent I have created a Project Template with BU as XX, Project Unit as PU1 and Organization same as BU. However, when I try to create a project, the Source Template LO…
Budgetary Controls are not working as per the expectationsSummary: When the cost exceeds the budgeted amount for a specific project, it should trigger an error stating that "funds are not available/Insufficient funds". We verif…
Can project budget in sync with GL budget?Content We have a case that the CoA segment contains project segment, which actually stores project number. While we use project budget to do budgetary control, finance …
Project Budgets and GL BudgetsSummary Project Budgets and GL Budgets - Funds Check against project budgets only OR both the project and financial budgets.Content Q.:If the funds check is done against…
Can next budget version be auto-approved if current approved version has the same amount?Summary: Budget Workflow Can next budget version be auto-approved if current approved version has the same amount. That is, if both versions have same amount then next b…
Same Resource is being assigned multiple time to same projectSummary: Under Project Financial Management >> Manage Project Resources, the same Resource is being assigned multiple times on the same project. Content (required): Unde…
Master rate should be overriden at budget levelSummary: Planning level- project and all tasks Below is our task structure TASK0 TASK1 TASK1.1 Non labor Resource 1.1 (Created based on Expenditure Type1.1) Rate:8000 Qt…
Unable to IC Invoicing with Rate Schedule By Job.Summary: I am trying to run Projects IC Invoice using a Rate Schedule at Job Level. Though the Rate Schedule by Person works correctly but if the person is missing in th…
Eaned value analytics is coming blankSummary: We cannot view Earned Value Analytics, even after running the Update project performance data. Please advise how to resolve this. Content (required): Version (i…
Billing and revenue override Error while using FBDISummary: Hi Team, I am trying to load the project task rate overrides data using FBDI template for billing and revenue override , However, I am unable to load the data g…
Worked Example or Use Cases for Intercompany Labor Accounting EntriesSummary: Worked Example or Use Cases for Intercompany Labor Accounting Entries Content (required): Would like to check some example entries for accounting of Intercompan…
Update Project Dates to BudgetWhat is the best way to update budget dates from project dates. I have read through the documentation, but want to know what is the best way that people have found. Than…
Task to Budget Date UpdateIs there a way to update the budget date from task updates automatically, without having to go to the Budget form on an already created budget?
Unable to enter project requisitions if Requisition BU and Project BU are in different LedgersWe have 2 ledgers (UK and Indonesia). Currently we have Projects configured with Budgetary Control under Indonesian Ledger. We have defined Business Unit under UK Ledger…
Correct accounting in Project CostsSummary: We have created project costs using ADFDI and they got uploaded successfully. But the Accounting failed due to CVR violation. How do we correct the accounting c…
Random and Unknown Principal Investigator in our ProjectsSummary: Hello. We have noticed that nearly every one of our projects have spontaneously added either an "Contact Unknown" and/or a random unknown External "resource", e…
Moved: Did You Know? Update Projects in Bulk Using the Projects REST API by Leveraging the Visual B…This discussion has been moved.
Expenditure type -cost and revenue entry in same line or different line in Project level budgetSummary: We tried to enter Expenditure type -cost and revenue entry in the same line or different line in the Project level budget. Method-1 Same line Line-1 Expenditure…
Closing multiple projectsSummary: We have hundreds of projects that expired over a year ago that should be closed. Would there be a way to set parameters and close a group of them at once? Conte…
Nonlabor Multiplier - BillingIs there a way to setup a Nonlabor multiplier in a way to where you do not have to itemize expenditure types in a Non Labor Rate Schedule, Burden Schedule or in non labo…
Budget Excel Layout - Excel Filter Does not workWhen I export a budget in a periodic layout in Excel I am able to add a filter But the filter does not work This works ok in other Projects ADFdi'S (I.E. Cost UPload), a…
Send AR Invoice Memo Lines from Project BillingSummary: Content (required): Hi, Our AR team is using memo lines to determine revenue accounts for AR invoices. Is it possible to send memo lines from Project Billing in…
Control budget is generated based on raw cost for Project budgetsSummary: We have requirement to enable the project budgetary control and also calculating the burden amount on project budget and report cost is selected as Burdened cos…