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Discussion List
Ability to view completed learning under Current Learning tab (is this correct?)Summary: If a learner filters their current learning page by Learning Item Type, without anything selected for enrolment status, they also seeing completed and withdrawn…
OTBI report that show multiple course completion status with each course as a separate column?Summary: I am hoping someone can help. I would like to create an OTBI report that shows the course completion status of multiple courses where each course is a separate …
Custom Alert for due date reminder not workingSummary: Custom Alert for due date not working as expected. We have created 3 DFF in course level to capture the days before due date to send three reminders. In our cas…
Is it possible for candidates clearing assessment to see the questions they got right/wrong?Summary: My client has a requirement wherein they want candidates clearing an assessment to be able to see the questions they got right and the ones they got wrong in or…
Integration with third party vendor - SSO RequirementSummary: Hi All, Our current client has a requirement to integrate OLC with 2 third-party vendors ( RQI and Healthstream) and both of the vendors need SSO login support …
Enroll button is missing for learners to enroll in the courseContent Hi All, We have converted multiple Self paced courses using HDL file. With the HDL file we were able to create courses, offerings & activities and its linked wit…
Latency IssuesSummary: Latency with courses that have animation in both test and production. Content (required): As of this morning, we are experiencing latency in our test and produc…
Fewer Clicks to Launch Self-Paced Course Offering ActivitySummary: I am looking to understand the expected behavior that has been shared from Oracle on updates made to the enrollment/launching experience for learners. I thought…
Auto launch evaluation questionnaire after completing activitiesContent (required): Hi all, Is it possible to automatically launch the evaluation questionnaire after completing the last activity of an Offer? As of now, the "evaluate"…
Why is the Learning Initiative Last Assigned date missing?Summary: Learning Initiative Last Assigned date is missing from courses Content (required): I have noticed that a few courses no longer show a date under the "Last assig…
Duplicate required assignments created for the same employeeSummary: A learning admin accidentally duplicated a required assignment which was based upon an OTBI analysis. The users were duplicated and when they login they see two…
Can new activities added in a course be tagged and reset for all enrolled employee?Summary: If an employee has completed / not started / in-progress trainings, what if new activities are added in the trainings, what will happen to employee's current tr…
Not able to View Recommended LearningSummary: Content (required): Hi Expert, One of my colleagues recommend a learning item but I am not able to see it in the Recommended section. Please suggest if anyone h…
Detailed Reporting on Specialization CompletionSummary: We require yearly regulatory training. I am thinking of setting these up as specializations, but I understand there is not a way to get a detailed report of wha…
How to initiate Line Manager feedback (questionnaire) after completion of a course by his employeeSummary: Line Manager feedback after course completion Content (required): We want to get Line Manager feedback after completion of a course by his employee. How can we …
WLF-00003: Custom Learning Alert Due Date FormattingSummary: Any ideas on how to format the DueDate expression to display as MM,DD,YYYY? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 22C …
iCal calendar messageSummary: I have setup an ILT Offering but would like to include a 'Teams Meeting' link to the iCal message. Is this possible? Content (required): I've noticed that the m…
Mandatory rating when completing learning itemSummary: Hello, Is it possible to make rating of the learning content mandatory, upon offering completion? Our customer would like that learners must give their own rati…
Best practice when a course is closed - Published date is in the pastSummary: Content (required): Hi there, I want to hear if there is any best practice for when a course is already "closed" - the publish end date is in the past, but we s…
Why isn't iCal invite showing Respond options and how to add a link to the iCal message?Summary: After enrolling into an ILT Offering, when you click on the 'Add to Calendar' button the "iCal event" pop up doesn't include the usual Respond options to Accept…
Expected Effort - duplicate hours listedSummary: Very inconsistently, my courses are showing up with duplicate Expected Effort hours. I've checked the course expected effort and the correct time is listed in t…
Can we disable fast-forwarding the video in HCM learning?Summary: Is there any way to disable the fast-forwarding the video in HCM learning? Content (required): I am wondering if we can restrict the video not to fast-forward b…
Multiple Employment with different AD Accounts for LearningSummary: Hi Experts, Our current client has a scenario where there are multiple employments for a person and multiple AD Accounts are needed for accessing a third-party …
Trigger initiative to Users belong to certain Jobs and have a Team reporting to themDear Experts, I am trying to trigger a Learning Initiative to Learners who belong to certain jobs and have a Team reporting to them via Person Criteria. Is this possible…
Remaining questions and answers from the “Learning Records Real Time” OTBI Subject Area presentationWe had a really good and lively Q&A session in this presentation. We had so many questions that we didn't have time to address all of them. So here is a list of the ques…
Recording of "Learning Records Real Time" OTBI Subject Area is available onlineThanks to all of you who participated live in our training session: Oracle Learning – "Learning Records Real Time" OTBI Subject Area Tuesday last week! The recording is …
Join community approvalSummary An approval workflow when someone joins a learning communityContent Is there an approval workflow that will trigger when an employee joins a community and a mana…
Default sort option in learning catalogSummary: Default Title A-Z sort option in learning catalog page Content (required): Dear Experts When user searching for any course In System by default it is showing 'B…
Multiple Courses for 1 TrainingSummary: We have courses that require retraining every year/etc for compliance and job-specific training. Our implementation partner advised we should have the exact sam…
List of Values for Timezone in HSDLSummary: Looking for View Objects to add in List of Values for attribute Timezone in Spreadsheet Loader Content (required): We are working on requirement to create sprea…