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Taleo Learn
Discussion List
eSkillz Best Practices Webinar: LearnCenter Design and Widget ReviewSummary Charles McClellan, Oracle Product Manager, will review Widgets and LearnCenter design featuresContent LearnCenter Design and Widget Review Learn Best Practices o…
Custom user fieldsSummary Is there a way to add a validation that the data entered in a user field is unique?Content We have a custom field for User id. Can I add a flag to validate that …
Deleting Outlook Calendar Invites for deleted sessionsContent Is it possible for Learn Center to send a cancellation for the calendar invite in Microsoft Outlook 2010 to cancel the calendar meeting if the session is deleted…
OHUG Global 2016 Learn Schedule!Summary Tons of Learn Content at OHUG Global!Content Hi Folks, Ok, the schedule for OHUG is done! It's a little tricky to find on the OHUG site, so I made a document to …
Bulk Loader for External TrainingSummary Is Self-Study the same as External Training?Content For some reason I seem to remember in the 16A release presentation they mentioned that we could now load Exte…
Redirecting the Exit Button for a a select group of coursesSummary I would like certain courses to re-route to a different customized page once training is complete. Is this possible?
User Access Audit TrailSummary To see all access entries by userContent Hello! I am working on trending and I'd like to find a report that shows me when and what my users accessed in the LMS, …
URGENT Online courses onlyContent Hi, urgently I am in need of a report that shows ONLY courses NOT courses specifically. I don't want to see who has started or completed a cours…
Looking for guidance on SubLearnCenters for specific groupsSummary How can we grant access to a specific Sub for a specific Group/Market while using SSO?Content I'm looking for some help on how to set up sublearncenters for spec…
LMS Down? Control Panel in Learn Not LoadingSummary Anyone else experiencing this issue?Content I'm very frustrated that this is a weekly issue. Is anyone else experiencing this problem AGAIN? Will be opening an S…
First name, Last Name instead of username in My Team ViewContent I feel that with the latest release...we are getting closer and closer to a major ask: To please use last name, first name in MyTeam View reports instead of the …
Dynamic Group Assignment of SkillsSummary Would skills be remove if you assign them using dynamic group.Content Hi All, I was testing the dynamic group functionality and notice that you can assign skills…
Bulk Loader - Update ILT Sessions questionsSummary Commas and Duplicate Session title errorsContent Let me preface by saying I love the Update ILT Sessions feature in the Bulk Loader. I have been waiting many yea…
Bulk Loader - Adding quotesSummary When I use the bulk loader to add ILTs and Enrollments on the 15C version I am finding some of my enrollments have quotesContent Is anyone else having this issue…
Widget Error MessageSummary Receiving an error message when inserting a widgetContent Hello, folks! I am in the process of learning how to use the LearnCenter Design page and widget functio…
Anyone else experiencing latencySummary We are in CHK and wondering if our latency is related to internal, internet or Oracle.
Maximum Characters for Prerequisite Rule for Bulk Loading EnrollmentsSummary Requesting Confirmation on the Maximum Characters for Prerequisite Rule for Bulk Loading EnrollmentsContent Hi, I have 14 prerequisites to add per enrollment for…
Courses Being Marked IncompleteSummary Completed courses being marked incomplete when restartedContent All, We are having an issue with SCORM 1.2 courses being marked Incomplete after users have previ…
Instant Notification when to direct supervisor when a course in complete...Content Hello there, Any guidance out there on this topic? We have a course catalog set up, and our users need to complete over 24 courses before they are able to report…
GroupsSummary How to include more criteria for a group.Content We have a group set up that is added/assigned to a learning plan. Currently the group contains 7 filters (see at…
RosterSummary Capabilities to Update What is included in Header of RosterContent Our Track Name is the same as our Enrollment name, therefore, the header on our rosters displa…
Classic vs. Standard Course PlayerSummary Can someone explain the key differences between the Classic & Standard Course Player options?Content Can someone explain the key differences between the Classic …
Oracle Learn Cloud Release 16A, 16A.1, and 16A.2 (Doc ID 2118805.1)Summary 16A.2 Maintenance Release document availableContent The release notes for the 16A.2 maintenance release have been posted to MOS. It can be found by searching for…
Can I use my Livestream account for VILT?Summary Want to use my Livestream webcasting account with Taleo LearnCenter's VILT featureContent Has anyone ever done this? Or has anyone ever done any kind of livestre…
Transcript Widget - Needed add onsSummary Need Transcript widget to pull completions from multiple LearnCentersContent Until now, we have been patching together several DO to provide completion data to t…
When we change user login/email erases all of the user's data/couses/history?Content We are changing our email login/username login at our company. Here's what I've done so far: * I am downloading all of our users to an Excel document * Performin…
Best Practice for CertificationsSummary Need to track historical certifications, expiration dates and coursework for audits for professional licenses.Content Our engineers have professional engineering…
16A.2 Stage Deployment 5-9-16?Summary 16A.2 Stage DeploymentContent Hi Can you tell me what time this deployment happens. Also I thought we are supposed to get the the documentation for maintenance r…
Schedule report link in the emailContent Hi Is there any way to change the view output "link" text (see below) in the email that is sent when a scheduled report is completed? We would like to put in a h…
Skills - Reoccurring vs. Time Limited (days)Summary What is the difference between Reoccurring and Time Limiting a SkillContent Hello, We are using Skills mapped to Assignments and Certification Tracks for our saf…