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Process Automation
Discussion List
Is it possible to convert currency based on real time in Oracle process automation using Web form.Summary: we have requirement like for example if user enter INR the amount will be converted into USD. Please suggest how to do that. Content (please ensure you mask any…
OIC Gen3 Process Automation Rest API call from PostmanSummary: Recently we migrated to OIC generation 3, and I have messaged start event-based process application. I have activated it and got the rest url for it. it is some…
Oracle PCS file attachment issueHi, I created one visual builder application which is going to accept any type of file to upload in the page, after uploading the file we are converting file into base64…
Do the End Users Need to have Access OIC if they want to approve or rejectSummary: Hi All Do we need to provide access to OIC for the End user if they want to trigger the PCS workflow from VBCS page scenario is we have deployed VBCS page(PCS m…
Change Oracle logo on process automation workspace screenSummary: Need to change Oracle Logo to Customer logo. Is there any configuration setup to change the logo on the top. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…
Can we export Process Automation Analytics dashboard as excel or csvSummary: Currently I am using Analytics to view Application drill down detail. But I need to export the analytics section detail as excel or csv. Do we have that feature…
Is there any possible to be able to approve the task from MobileSummary: Hi All User is asking that is there any feasibility to be able to approve the pending tasks from the mobile as well we are using OIC gen 2 for the Processes Con…
What service type to choose to raise SRSummary: Not able to find Service Type for Process Automation to raise SR ticket. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am using Process autom…
ROLE REQUIRED FOR /ic/api/process/v1/tasksSummary: Hi Team, I am trying to perform actions (APPROVE,REJECT,INFO_RQUESTED,REASSIN) on task using the REST API /ic/api/process/v1/tasks/213421 Payload: { "identities…
On-premises SMTP serviceContent Hi experts, Is it possible for the OIC emails to be sent by my on-premises SMTP service instead of Oracle Cloud SMTP service? I'd like all the notification email…
Creating Tabular Form on Oracle PCS TaskHi Team, We have built a PCS application which has human tasks to send actionable email to business users. The PCS app calls an OIC REST API and response of the API is s…
Need to Hold and display the select value in the formSummary: Hi I have used connector data to In the select Action in the form so if user select the user name in the backend it will pass the email ID in the backend ,so i …
Enabled Out Of office but still i am able to see the tasksSummary: Hi I have enabled Out Of office for my user and notifications that are assigned to me are still assigned it is not delegated to the user that i have specified i…
Unable to See Notification In My tasks page but In Testing modeSummary: Hi We are triggering a pcs Workflow From VBCS page when a user click on submit it will trigger PCS workflow but we are able to see notifications in Testing mode…
Expose a PCS Application as a REST APISummary I have created a PCS Application with Web Form as a Process Start shape. We want to expose this application as REST APIContent Hi Team, I have created a PCS Appl…
Need help in calling a rest api with querying parameterSummary: below is the get rest API which i am trying to call using connetor.But i am not able to. Please help how to pass this 2 parameter in and condition. currently be…
How to change pcs webform language without changing the default language of browser?Summary How to change pcs webform language without changing the default language of browser?Content Hi, I want to change the webform language without changing the defaul…
PCS not accessible with ServiceDeveloper role in Gen3 OICSummary: We created a Gen3 OIC instance, an User Group for Developers, added one User to the User Group, and assigned ServiceDeveloper role towards the User Group. Expec…
At which Duration the Active instance will move to stale stateSummary: We have initiated a PCS workflow After One Hour It is moved to STALE state Is there any Particular Time it will be in Stale And also we are unable to Abort the …
How the reassigned person Know That this Task is reassigned to HimSummary: Hi All I have Reassigned my task To one of the user then how that person know that this task is reassigned to him from this user , like is there any chance to d…
is it possible to invoke SaaS URL in PCS notification by passing parameters to open particular pageSummary: Hi All, We have a requirement to call Fusion URL In to PCS notification, So when User Click The URL in the notification It navigates to Fusion with that particu…
Is it possible to create a custom process schedule definitionWe are looking to schedule a process from midnight to 9:30 am, every 1/2 hour and then again from 11 am to midnight, every 1/2 hour. We do not want it to run between 9:3…
PCS - how to change the subject of the notificationSummary: Please help I need to Identify which part of the code I need to modify to change the subject of the email notification below is the screen shot of the email not…
Change "My Tasks" page UI in PCS.Content Hi All, In PCS Is there a way to hide/disable or restrict access to other tabs like Processes, Dynamic Processes, Dashboard, My Apps and Administration of "My Ta…
select action mandatory upon approve actionSummary: Hi i have taken select component and i am populating the data using connector data as LOV so i need to make that column mandatory for approve action otherwise f…
Table in Web Form ( No Horizontal Scrollbar) Process Cloud ServiceSummary Table in Web Form ( No Horizontal Scrollbar) Process Cloud ServiceContent Currently, there seems to be a limitation on WebForm on PCS for Table columns size. I h…
Hide Comments, Documents and Reassign option on Human Webform taskSummary: By default these options shows on the Human Webform task- Comments, Documents and Reassign. I do not want users to comment or add documents or reassign to other…
How to display Comments line by line in email notificationSummary: I want to display line by line as shown in the below screenshot as i were using standard attribute from the PCS {{#comments}} {{commentStr}} {{updatedBy}} at {{…
unable to see notifications my tasks page for message based processSummary: Hi i have designed a message based workflow it is triggered from VBCS once it trigger i am unable to see notification in My tasks page but once if trigger anoth…
Is there any way to cancel all pending process approvals in PCSIs there any way to cancel all pending process approvals in PCS. We have 500+ approvals are active and want to cancel all in one go. Is it possible.