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Process Automation
Discussion List
Maximum character limit Text Input and Area FieldSummary: On the Process automation webform UI, there are some input text fields and Text Area fields. I wanted to know what is the maximum character length that can be e…
rest api to get approval outcomeSummary: while fetching the approval outcome using rest API in postman facing this issue Please suggest what i am missing Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…
Oracle Sales Order Approval workflow is not workingWe added a new stage on the workflow and copied the rule from the earlier stage and workflow stopped working
Due date not intervalSummary Due date not intervalContent Hello everyone, Do any of you know if a due date can be a fixed date rather than an interval? Thank you !
Need an option to hide reassign button from process automation human taskSummary: Hi All, We are looking for an option to hide REASSIGN option from the human task in process automation process, can anyone help how to achieve the same. This op…
Oracle Process Automation PCS Version 3 , Un expected behavior in Parallel policywhen i create approval user task with parallel policy (100 %) and default outcome (APPROVE) and i pass 2 approvers only , the expected from PCS as my understanding from …
Unable To See approve reject actions in My tasks Page while calling External UiSummary: Hi Unable To See approve/reject actions in My tasks Page while calling External Ui(VBCS) is there something that i am missing or it is the way how it is if it i…
process cloud service approval notification is not showing in my Task once triggered from OIC.Summary: We have developed approval workflow in PCS, and same workflow process we are trying to triggered from OIC.It get trigger successfully but its not showing in my …
Is it possible to display audit history in the email notificationSummary: the requirement is like we need to show the approvers history in the email notification sent for the approval and also current approver need to see the previous…
Do we have any feasibility to get Task_id /TASK NUMBER by passing process id?Summary: we have process id with me based on process id we need to fetch task ids. do we have any rest APIs. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information…
any way if user take action from VBCS page then PCS workflow need to resume and go for next approvalSummary: Hi is there any way when a user take action on the VBCS page(approve or reject) then PCS workflow should go for NExt level approval like for that we have the RE…
How to setup Out of Office Configuration for Process AutomationSummary: OIC Process Builder has an out of office configuration but we don't see something similar in process automation standalone instance. Is this functionality depre…
Do we have any feasibility to send approval to another manager when main manager is in leave?Client asked me to send approval notification to another manager like temporary manager when main manager is in leave
How can i Link PCS notification to Fusion SAAS Application Notification IconSummary: How Can i Link our PCS Workflow Notification with Fusion SAAS application Notification ICOn Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versi…
how to use loop event in the form to take multiple data from VBCS pageSummary: how can i implement a loop event in process form like i have taken a table with 10 columns and i want to capture data from VBCS page which has multiple number o…
Is it possible that we can assign approvers dynamically to the Human ActionSummary: Suppose if there are 4 level approvers reviewer 1 is not null then it will go assign and sent the notification to the approver and if reviewer2 is null then it …
is there any process to update the result in PCS workflow using VBCS pageSummary: is there any process to update the result in PCS workflow using VBCS page output and route it to the next level approver based on the VBCS ouput Content (please…
is there any rest API available to update action(approve or reject and more info) for a source activSummary: is there any rest API available to update action(approve or reject and more info) for a source activity and move to next activity Content (please ensure you mas…
Is It possible to make auto approval in the Human taskSummary: when it is go for approval if in the assignee if there is no approver defined then it will be auto approved is it possible in The PCS to make it as auto approva…
Based on the invoice amount approval will go for particular approversSummary: Hi the requirement is like we have created an integration it is a scheduled on soo in that integration we have called on report with invoice details of amount s…
Need to create 4 actions in the email(Approve,Reject,review,Reconsider)Summary: the requirement is like there are 4 actions like approve ,reject, review, reconsider so if manager approves it will go to seniorVP , if senior VP approves it wi…
How to call PCS workflow from fusion standard pageSummary: How to call custom pcs workflow from a standard page in oracle fusion. like if we paste URL of PCS workflow then the Pcs will trigger but it not possible to giv…
Based on the total amount my workflow send approval mail to approverSummary: Hi i have a requirement where a workflow notification needs to send for the approval based on the total amount that is coming to message based workflow from BIP…
How to send attachment(Excel) in PCSSummary:How to send attachment from integration to PCS Content (required):Hi we are building one workflow where we want to pass attachment from integration to PCS so tha…
is it possible that an approver can approve multiple times in the notificationSummary: The requirement is like when the user submit a time card it has multiple lines , each line needs to be approved or rejected i have attached a screenshot user ca…
Can we add comments in Actionable Email NotificationSummary: We have business requirement to allow end user to provide comments at time of taking action (Approve / Reject / Request More Information) without need to login …
How to get the Approver from the human task that has assigned with a groupSummary: HI how can I get the approver from a group of approvers in the human task activity. I have designed a 2 level approval flow, in the first approval flow i have a…
Can we Approve or Reject a Human task directly from Email?Summary: Can we Approve or Reject a task directly from Email? Right now when I am trying to Approve the task its getting navigated to workspace to take the action. Conte…
how to send an excel file from fusion to pcs through integrationSummary: Hi I have a requirement to send an excel document as attachment from fusion to pcs workflow email notification through OIC integration but i am unable to find a…
In Human Task Approve action its only limited to one or more incoming gateway actionSummary: Hi i am facing issue human task approve action is taking only one as incoming action its not taking more than one ,is that limited based on my requirement if se…