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Student Financial Aid
Discussion List
Oracle's guidance regarding GLBA RequirementsRecently the Department of Education published an announcement regarding Updates to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Cybersecurity Requirements that went into effect June 9, 2…
Introducing the Oracle SFP Administration Community Toolkit (SACT)We are excited to announce a Beta release of Oracle SFP Administration Community Toolkit (SACT), that can be tested, adopted, and updated as you see fit. What does it do…
Consolidated Appropriations Act: Pell UpdatesThank you for joining our last CCC event and as discussed we are creating this follow up post to cover Pell examples in more detail. Below you will find our latest appro…
What is the best way to export Cal Grant Payment information on CSAC's Grant Roster Layout Format?Summary: Content (required): The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) requires payments of the California State Grant (Cal Grant) to be reported on their website. On…
How to Prevent Current students from seeing Enrollment Status?Summary: Currently we import SDI/SDU and SAFIs into SFP after a first round of admissions decisions in order to start packaging and creating FA Offer Letters. The issue …
Customer Feedback Requested for Consolidated Appropriations Act ImpactThank you to those who joined the Cloud Customer Event that the product management team held on March 8, 2023 to discuss the Consolidated Appropriations Act and the impa…
Optimizing your BI Publisher Configuration SettingsThe Product Management team wanted to provide a quick guide on what updates can be made within the administrative console of BI Publisher to aid in memory expansion and …
Considerations for Upcoming Summer EnhancementsWe would like to an announce the upcoming release of two features focused on Summer packaging intended to increase automation and improve general student experience and …
Recommendations for Housing COA ConfigurationsIn working with the Student Financial Planning Student Advisory Group (SAG) which is made up of students from SFP customer institutions, it was brought to the SFP produc…
Updated Application Processing Guides for 22/23 and 23/24On March 24, 2023, ED published updates to the 22/23 and 23/24 EDE Technical References, ISIR Guides, and SAR Comment Codes and Text Guides. A major change from these up…
Assistance with Updating Letters using FasStudentAwardInformationV2EventThe product management team would like to provide an update on letters triggered using the FasStudentAwardInformationV2Event. We have recently discovered an issue (Bug 3…
Deprecating JasperSoft and VM Schema AccessThe Product Management team wanted to provide an update on timelines for JasperSoft and access to the VM Schema. With the 23C release, we will be deprecating JasperSoft …
How to debug the groovy script in SFPSummary: I have the below groovy code : if (previousPell.isEligible()) { log.debug("PREVIOUS PELL IS ELIGIBLE"); I want to know where can i see these log messages? Is th…
Recommendations for completely automatic OTBI reports and data extraction on a preset schedule?Summary: Recommendations for completely automatic OTBI reports and data extraction on a preset schedule? Content (required): We wish to use an OTBI report as a data sour…
Impact of Packaging & Disbursing OverridesThe Product Management team wanted to provide a quick guide on how various packaging and disbursing overrides are used in the system and the impact they have to subseque…
FAFSA Simplification Act Changes for the 23/24 Award YearWe wanted to inform this community about recent policy updates effective for the 23/24 Award Year that were announced by the Department on November 4, 2022. A Federal Re…
Preparing for the November Maintenance Pack for 22D ReleaseWith the November Maintenance Pack for 22D, we wanted to highlight the configuration changes to the Notification Framework and share several resources available to assis…
Disbursement Batch Job ProcessingAs you are implementing SFP or considering updating your batch schedule, we wanted to provide some resources to assist you in making an informed decision. Batch Job Orde…
How to Use Packaging Start DatesAre some of your students packaged in Student Financial Planning for Academic Years that you did not intend to? We have seen some recent confusion with how the Packaging…
Packaging VA Benefits and Athletics ScholarshipsWe wanted to share our best practice for how to handle packaging Veterans benefits and Athletics scholarship funds in SFP. These updates can be made to other funding sou…
Extended Fund Codes Leveraged for Multiple PLUS FeatureIt recently came to our attention that there may be some confusion on when an extended fund code is created for PLUS and GPLUS funds, and we wanted to post some clarific…
Preparing for the 22D ReleaseWe are excited for the upcoming 22D release, which will be available October 10, 2022, and we wanted to share several resources available to assist with preparing for th…
How to turn off the export of CRPG22IN and CRDL22IN files in SFPSummary: How to turn off the export of CRPG22IN and CRDL22IN files in SFP Content (required): We have a question on how we can turn off the export of CRDL22IN and CRPG22…
Upcoming Data Replication Required Customer ActionsStudent Financial Planning will be releasing the Data Replication to Data Warehouse feature shortly, and we wanted to provide the Cloud Customer Connect community with a…
National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) Outages and Impacts to Awarding/Disbursing Direct LoansWe wanted to make the community aware that on July 25th, the Department of Education updated their National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). Since their update, NSLDS c…
Waiver of 2022-2023 ISIR V1 verification and some suggested SFP configuration updatesWe wanted to share our best practices for how to handle the recent changes to Verification with the Cloud Customer Connect community. SFP's configuration & integration f…
What approach do you planning take to identify the AGI $1 and request a Record of Account?Summary: Based on the updated communication from 1/13/22, how are SFP schools planning identify all instances for the 2022-23 FAFSA cycle? Content (required): Princeton …
Seeking students for the Oracle Student Advisory Group for SFP - 22/23 AYIn Fall 2022, we started the first-ever Oracle Student Advisory Group, with eight students from six SFP institutions. These students have participated in roundtable disc…
Have you registered for the SFP 22A feature review webinar on February 14?Summary: John Refila, Desiree Dreszer, and Sam Witt will be holding a webinar on February 14 at 10am pacific to review functionality released in 2021 and 22A and offer p…
How to retrive the errorevent message as soon as we push some message in SFP.Summary I am pushing a studentinitiation message from OIC integration to SFP.I want to retrive the error message if any as soon as i push my studentinit message in SFP t…