Management Reporting
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Can we use the numeric value used in comments column to create another calculated column?Summary: We are creating a management report where users are required to fill in a numeric value as a comment in a comment row. Can we use that numeric value to create a…
The "Cur" member in Text Function doesn't appear to exist in Mgmt ReportingIn the Financial Reporting Tool, I was able to reference a Current Row on a Report to get a dynamic member to pull. It would look something like this: AncestorName("Posi…
Reports using the Except FunctionSummary: I have a list of all P&L accounts. I want to allocate them into three buckets. I want to add some members manually to the first 2 buckets and then have a list o…
Question on Available Charts / Chart Types and Displaying IconsSummary: Display icons to show "increase" or "decrease" in values / amounts Content (required): Wondering how we display icons to show "increase" or "decrease" in values…
What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 22.03What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 22.03 Please refer to the March 2022 What's New Guide to understand the new features included in EPM Clou…Dave Roberts_-Oracle 31 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Dave Roberts_-Oracle Narrative Reporting
What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 21.10Summary: Learn about what’s new in the EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports 21.10 release. Content: Please refer to the October 2021 What’s New guide to understand …
Issues with formatting after downloading or opening a report in SmartViewSummary: Here is the situation. I have a report with numbers formatted as thousands. So, $1,000,000 will be presented as $1,000. After I download it to Excel, I will not…
Conditional suppression on smartlistSummary: In a management report in Narrative Reporting I'm trying to suppress rows when a smartlist doesn't equal a value in either of two columns and I can't get it to …
Border Display Issue in HTML Preview of ReportSummary: In HTML Preview Border doesn't show Properly. But in PDF it shows correctly. Content (required): In HTML Preview Border doesn't show Properly. But in PDF it sho…Ayush Khandelwal 31 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Dave Roberts_-Oracle Narrative Reporting
Can I create a combined multidimensional member selector?Summary: I need to give users ability to combine members from different dimension at the report run time. Content (required): I have three different dimensions: Years - …
Unable to view EPRCS instance name in My Services DashboardSummary Even though the user is having access to EPRCS Production instance, still he is not able to see it in My Services DashboardContent Hello Everyone One of our user…
Migrating Reports between applicationsSummary: Hi all, I am trying to migrate reports between the Oracle EPM applications to use the report as a basis to build an other report but so far this does not seem t…
What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 22.02What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 22.02 Please refer to the February 2022 What's New Guide to understand the new features included in EPM C…Dave Roberts_-Oracle 22 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Dave Roberts_-Oracle Narrative Reporting
Pencil icon does not appear on grid containing Note ColumnsSummary: I have a user that cannot enter text into a grid containing Note columns. The pencil/Write functionality is not active for some reason for this user. The user i…
Dynamic Wording in Word using Planning and related ToolsSummary: Given I have a statement like so (See Quote) in my Financial Statements in Microsoft Word is it possible to refresh the decreased by $5.6 Million using EPM? Not…
Merging cells for header row in management report gridSummary: Hi, I am wondering if if is possible to merge the cells of a row in a management report grid to be able to generate a heading row (top row or somewhere else)? I…
Reports Waterfall Chart, no Totals starting amount!In Reports Waterfall Chart, there is no Totals starting amount option, like in Excel, causing a distorted visualization. I also played around with the custom ranges for …
New Notes inline does not work when in Excel!Hi all, We have created a new report using the inline Notes, while it works fine in HTML, when in Excel the Notes are not there anymore; Thank you.
Connection with ERP Cloud GL CubeSummary: Data Source Access Issue in EPRCS / NR Content (required): User 1 (EPRCS admin) has created a connection with Oracle ERP Cloud GL. User 1 has created a data sou…
What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 21.12Summary: What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 21.12 Content: Please refer to the December 2021 What's New Guide to understand the new features…Dave Roberts_-Oracle 11 views 0 comments 3 points Started by Dave Roberts_-Oracle Narrative Reporting
Why the Report looks blurry when inserted into a PowerPoint Report Package?Summary: Report looks blurry when inserted into a PowerPoint Report Package Content (required): Is there a solution for the same because the customer is not satisfied wi…
What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 21.11Summary: Learn about what’s new in the EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports 21.11 release. Content: Please refer to the November 2021 What’s New guide to understand…
Reporting packageSummary: Sharing doclet content with different reporting packages. Content (required): Our business operates as divisions, we have a Group Reporting package that reports…
EPRCS - Is there a feature enabling use of doclets across many report packages?Summary I would like to know if it's possible to have doclets or reference doclets that can be common across different report packagesContent The problem is related to h…User_2025-01-30-22-36-50-677 29 views 7 comments 2 points Most recent by David Hiscutt Narrative Reporting
How to get the parent value of a member?Summary: To find out the method to retrieve the value of the member's parent via a formula Content (required): Hi all, May I know if there is any way for us to retrieve …
notes function & named POVhello, Is there a dynamic way to read the account member on a note template without having to use named POV´s. Our account dimension is on the report rows. Thank you
How to reduce space between two grids in single report?Summary: Content (required): Need to reduce space between two grids in single report Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 21.09.61 Code Snippet (a…
Newly migrated report from FR to MR won't allow new sortingContent I migrated a report from FR on prem to Management Reporting. After I clear the errors and warnings the report will not let me add new sort values; the option is …
What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 21.09Summary Learn about what’s new in the EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports 21.09 release. Content Please refer to the September 2021 What’s New guide to understand …Dave Roberts_-Oracle 26 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Dave Roberts_-Oracle Narrative Reporting
I want vertical text in Text ColumnSummary: I want vertical text in Text Column Content (required): Trying to rotate the text to vertical format Version (include the version you are using, if applicable):…