Discussion List
In which Learning subject area can we find Course and Offering Number ?In which Learning subject area can we find Course and Offering Number ?
Any way to get the Learner Assignments Missing Most Recent Changes from Learning Subject areas ?Summary: I was preparing the Learning Reconciliation report but cannot find a way to get "Learner Assignments Missing Most Recent Changes". Anyone has any idea ? Content…
Roll back LinkedIn CoursesSummary: Hello Experts , We have initated our Linkedin Learning integration on one of our dev environment. One it is enabled , we have noticed that the linkedin learning…
Can we integrate 2 LinkedIn accounts for same user with oracleSummary: Can we integrate 2 LinkedIn accounts for same user with oracle Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can we integrate 2 LinkedIn accoun…
Google Translate integration with Oracle LearningSummary: We're looking at integrating Google Translate with Oracle Learning Cloud. From what we understand, it should provide translation suggestions for learning item t…
Remove 'Open' option when selecting Community visibilityIs it possible to remove the 'Open' visibility option for self-service created Communities ?
LinkedIn Learning 'import' and 'import all' option are not availableSummary: Hello - we are wainting to utilize the filter options to only import courses in English from LinkedIn Learning. Per oracle documentation this is possible howeve…
Learning Request: How the default Currency field valueHi community! We would like to set "EUR" as the default currency in the currency field within the Request Non-Catalog Learning page (see the attached screen) Can you hel…
Having frequent issues with Global Access Groups in Redwood Learner UXSummary: Hello Experts, We have recently enabled new Learner Redwood UI in our non-Prod instances. We have noticed issues with Global Access Groups - the members of the …
Can we Restrict Optional Evaluation before the Actitivy has been completedSummary: The majoirity of our Level1 evaluations are optional. Is there a way to restrict the learner from being able to launch/complete the evaluation before they have …
HDL Loading a Self-Paced Offering to the catalog using CourseV3.datSummary: We are in the process of converting our courses and have turned sequencing. We are trying to load courses using the CourseV3.dat template. Our self-paced conten…
DFF Limit in Redwood Request Non Catalog learning pageSummary: Custom fields (DFF) Limit in Redwood Request Non-Catalog learning page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, Please let us know…
Does Learning Experience API supports 360 Learning?Summary: Good day! We are looking for a way to integrate 360 Learning Platform with Oracle Learning using Learning Experience API. But we can't find a document that says…
Implement Badging in Oracle Learning Cloud and Integrate with talent profileSummary: We are looking to implement badges in Oracle Learning Cloud Content (required): Hi All, Our client is looking for implementing Badging functionality in Oracle L…
Why is my category topic index blank?Summary: Why is my category topic index blank? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have configured some basic communities which are showing …
Change Learning Course Status from Withdrawn to Active or CompleteHi Experts, I need your help with a case where the learning course assigned to an employee is currently in Withdrawn status. Is there a way to update the status from Wit…
Offering Start & End Times not visible for some offeringsSummary: In the 24D update, offering start and end times are visible to the learner in Available Offerings page for single day offering sessions. We have several courses…
Reminder for Observation checklistHi experts, our client requested to configure a notification/reminder towards the observer for filling out the observation checklist questionnaire. Does anyone know if t…
25A feature 'Address Validation for Classroom Location' only applicable for Redwood Classroom page?Will the new 25A Learning feature 'Address Validation for Classroom Location' only be applicable for Redwood Classroom page and not for the classic responsive UI page? L…
Learning assignments - Person number list in "Select Learners"Summary: How we have to use "Person number list" criteria to filter the population Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi to all, When we crea…
Approval request initiated by the admin for a non-catalog learning item in is not triggeringSummary: When an admin submits a request for a non-catalog item in Oracle Learn, the transaction status automatically changes to 'completed' without triggering the appro…
Reset Ongoing Attempts Only - Impact to Actual EffortHello, We performed the Reset Ongoing Attempts Only action on a SCORM item in the Content Library in Learning. Since performing the reset, the 'Actual Effort' column has…
Adding an Action Type Code field in Adhoc Person CriteriaSummary: Is it possible to add a new field in Person Criteria when assigning learners? We're looking to add an Action Type as one of the fields in the Advance mode. Cont…
Where can admin see employee uploaded attachment?Summary: I was able to upload an attachment in the learning assignment as an employee, where can the admin see this attachment? I took a look at the learning assignment …
Learning Admin cannot select instructor and classroomSummary: Hello, I have created an ILT Activity. However, when I attempted to select the instructor and classroom, I encountered an issue—I was unable to do so. There are…
How to add the External Instructor in the offering.Summary External InstructorContent Please advise, how to add the external instructor name to the offering activity. I have tried in the Training Suppliers tab in Catalog…
Unable to assign Specializations when all section activities are optionalHi, We are testing the possibility of configuring all activities in all the sections to be 'Optional'. That is, the field "Number of Activities to Complete" = value 0. H…
Pluralsight Integration with Oracle Learning CloudSummary: in 24D, xAPI based integrations with additional external learning content providers was provided: Coursera Go1 Learning O'Reilly Media Skillsoft Percipio Please…
Redwood: Digital learning, Learning paths and Learning Events- what happened and what is the status?Summary: What is the status of Digital learning, Learning paths and Learning events introduction? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, in M…
Is it possible to make the "Offering Coordinator" field not mandatory?Hi all, Is it possible to make the "Offering Coordinator" field not mandatory on the offer creation page? Thank you Anamaria