Discussion List
Updating the details of an ILT activity for the second time is not sending any notificationsSummary: Hi Team, We have enabled the MS outlook Calendar integration in our lower environment and we are currently testing this. We found one issue. When we update the …
No Email notifications are coming for the instructors when we cancel a VILT meetingHi Team, We have enabled the MS outlook Calendar integration in our lower environment and we are currently testing this. We found out one issue. For any of the VILT sess…
Microsoft Teams QuestionsSummary: We are trying to see if the TEAMS integration will work for our organization Content (required): Questions: 1. When the instructor tied to the offering joins th…
Does the MS Teams breakout room functionality work in Oracle Learn?Summary: Content (required): Hi all, we would like to know if we are able to open breakout rooms as part of the MS Teams integration feature in Learn. Has anyone had exp…
Manage activities is greyed OutSummary: Hi Experts, We are trying to check the ILT trainings and want to mark the attendance using "Manage Activities", however its greyed out: Our user has delivered "…
We are facing issue on Manager Hierarchy. In the system it's fine but in outlook and teams wrongSummary: We are facing issue on Manager Hierarchy. In the system it's fine but in outlook and teams wrong manager showing Content (required): Wrong manager showing in ou…
Oracle Learning Outlook calendar integrationSummary: MS 365 subscription (E3/E5) required for Outlook calendar integration. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are implementing Oracle…
Instructor Led Courses Not being Assigned to Learning SpecializationSummary: A Specialization was created with a mix of online and instructor led classes. When the specialization is assigned to an employee only the online courses appear …
Offering Activity Title Transaltion IssueSummary: The Activity Title is blank in other languages. We have many activities with a blank title that were created using the session language 'German'. The title disp…
Checking in Students for an Instructor Led ClassSummary: Looking to improve the process for entering completions in Learn ILT classes. Content (required): Currently we have students register for the ILT and then print…
Instructor Led Courses Not being Assigned to Learning SpecializationSummary: A Specialization was created with a mix of online and instructor led classes. When the specialization is assigned to an employee only the online courses appear …
how to copy course in lms allong with its offering and activitiesHi team, We are trying to copy course along with its offerings and activities, but when we copied the course, it is getting copied without offering and activities. Do we…
Alert for different type of offeringsSummary: Hi everyone, I've created different alerts with different message templates based on offering being Self-Paced, ILT or Blended or use OR operator for ILT and Bl…
Capture Cost at Offerning Activity LevelSummary Capture Cost at Offerning Activity LevelContent Experts, Can anyone help me with some guidance/pointers on how we can capture cost details at session/activity le…
Custom Alerts: if conditionsHello everyone, I would like to create a custom alert related to a course and an offering with "if" conditions, just like: If offering ILT/Blended --> do this else --> d…
Instructor Timing ConflictSummary: Hi Experts, I am trying to create a ILT offering in which I am assigning an instructor to the 2 different ILT offering at the same time (at same time zone) . I …
Instructor Scheduling & Resource planningSummary: We have a request from our customer for a dashboard that will essentially manage offering sessions, instructor schedules, and resource planning all in one dashb…
Retrieving Enrollment Questionnaire DataSummary: We're configuring a learner enrollment questionnaire to obtain event registration information (e.g., name, DOB, travel information, allergens, etc.) I created t…
Person Criteria Field - learnerSelectedSummary Unknown field in Person Criteria - learnerSelectedContent Hello, We have noticed a new field appearing in the advanced search when we are assigning a learning or…
Learning marked as completed after completing ONLY the "Required" sectionSummary: Learning marked as completed after completing ONLY the required section. Learning has REQUIRED and OPTIONAL sections. Content (please ensure you mask any confid…
Alert is not being triggered when the learning is assigned by the manager or adminSummary: Hi, Whenever employee is requesting for a learning or withdraws from the learning then the alert is triggered to the line manager and the employee but whenever …
Unable join the Virtual TrainingSummary Virtual URL is not allowing a Microsoft Teams inviteContent Dear Team, We are unable to join any virtual training using the LMS calendar invite. Since, whenever …
Is there any way to use HDL to load an instructor to an activity?Summary The HDL loads that I see for Courses, offering and activity does not include the instructor at the activity level. Do I really have to add the instructor manuall…
How do I create a weblink for learners to self-enroll into a course via e-mail?Hello Community, I am creating 3 blended offerings available to a course, that consists of an ILT in each offering representing different days / timeslots for learners t…
Define External Instructor for classroom trainingSummary Defining external trainer.Content Current system allows to select instructor from a list of person available in Cloud HCM. How can we define the instructor is ex…HinalMehta 118 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Scott Foos - Sr Manager HR Technology at ADT LLC Learning
How to do bulk enrollment and completionSummary Bulk Enrollment & completionContent Please advise how to do the bulk enrollment and completion for the offerings. Please help with the steps to perform this acti…
There is a HDL or bulk load is required to upload employee Historical learning record in OLC for theSummary: There is a HDL or bulk load is required to upload employee Historical learning record in OLC for the same course which is already created in the OLC. Employee h…
Issue in configuring Microsoft Teams as External Provider in LearningSummary: We are unable to find the Join button in Teams when we accept the Add to the calendar invite from Oracle. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
Alert Composer: Pending Assessment ReminderSummary Custom Alert to Learner for Pending AssessmentContent Hello All, We have a requirement to implement a custom alert for Pending Assessment Reminder in case, asses…
What is the maximum length of a URL we can add for a virtual meeting in ILT offeringsSummary: Hi, We are creating a ILT offering with virtual meeting URL. While adding the URL for the meeting, system throws an error that it can't exceed more than 500 cha…