Discussion List
How to revert the course status of assignment from Bypass Complete to Active AssignmentSummary: Hi, We have courses loaded the status as "Bypass Completed" for most of the learners. when these courses are assigned to the employees, these courses are showin…
Are there any Learning processes that would auto mark an employee's Learning to ByPass Complete?Summary: Are there any Learning processes that would automatically mark an employee's Learning status to ByPass Complete? Content (required): We launched a required trai…
How to restrict between the two pages by using page composerSummary: We have requirement that attachments should be mandatory in Record external catalog learning experience page. Its not possible to make it mandatory, but we sugg…
How can I make Courses/Offering not viewable to anyone but the Learning Specialist?Summary: I need to make learning not viewable when I'm trying to make an assignment. I also need to know how to make the course/offering unviewable once we don't need it…
Learning Program Participant Size is zero even after adding the Add a PersonSummary: Learning Program Participant Size is zero even after adding the Add a Person Content (required): Learning Program Participant Size is zero even after adding the…
Why specialization status shows InProgress even though employee completed the course?Summary: For a specialization status shows InProgress even though employee completed the course under that specialization Content (required): Version (include the versio…
Enrolling learners in a course with multiple offeringsSummary: What is the best way to enroll learners in an ILT course that has multiple in-person offerings occurring on different dates? IE: ILT Course: Learning 101 Offeri…
page customization in new learning experience pageSummary: How do I perform page customization in new learning experience page for employee Content (required): I an unable to use the basic sandbox tools inside the VB pa…
How can i find the initiatives tied to a Course?Summary: Need to find a way to identify the initiatives that have specific person_id in the RUN AS ID column and also identify the course(s) the initiative is linked to.…
how HR can assign course to any candidate??Summary how HR can assign course to any candidate
Exact Table details needed for Learning- Offering, Specialization name, sections and activitiesSummary: Exact Table details needed for Learning- Offering, Specialization name, sections and activities
Legacy Learning records with complete status showing in Current LearningSummary: Converted learner items using the business object LegacyLearningItem.dat then added learner records through the HDL using LearningItemType=ORA_LEGACY . Learning…
How can I add a Mastery Score when uploading content?Summary: We are not able to see what a learners final score is. Is this where it needs to go? and how do I get access to use it? Content (required): Version (include the…
Views, sql or learning mapping tablegood morning experts Could anyone please help me to know the table, views or Sql to find the data on the next page? We want to make a report with the data entered on the…
Recommended learning initiatives not assigning using person criteria analysis reportSummary: Content (required): We have created learning initiatives for recommended learning. The learning in the initiative assigns when we add users by person number, ho…
Is there an HDL to execute to mass update the RUN AS field in WLF_EVENT_ASSIGNMENTS_F?Summary: We have a number of initiatives that were created by a former employee. The RUN AS is set to that former employee. Now that the former employee is no longer act…
Cancel Initiative - PrivilegeSummary: Hello Team, Do we have any specific privilege that give 'Cancel Initiative' access to Learning providers or is it bundled with other privileges? Im unable to ge…
How to give special access to LMS Specialist to be able to schedule OBTI report they create.Summary: We have leadership and different area of the organization request specific information from learning data. They often want this more than one time, and we can't…
How to get the advancement of courses or specialization in BIgood morning experts We're working on a BI Learning report, but we can't find the table that holds the following: - Advance courses or specialization. - Evaluation note.…
Cancellation cost FunctionalitySummary: Hi Team, We have a requirement from our client to apply cancellation rule and the system should auto update Cancellation cost based on 'x' number of days before…
Hide custom button on specific pageSummary: Custom button appears in 2 distinct pages when it should appear only in 1 Content (required): Hi, using Page Composer tool from a Sandbox I created a new button…
Any documents available on Observation Checklist & Offering and Specialization Activity SequencingSummary: Any documents available on Observation Checklist & Offering and Specialization Activity Sequencing . (https://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/tutorials/tut…
Learning - using Redwood without New Learner ExperienceSummary: Planning to change Oracle Cloud theme from existing News Feed to Redwood. In order for the Learner experience to retain current functionality, do we have to mov…
Need Sample Report for Learner Interaction with SCORM ContentSummary: We need to report on interactions of Learners taking tests (pre and post) within our SCORM packagees. This would include their score, number of attempts, time s…
Oracle learning Custom Alerts for Submitted assignment review reminderSummary: We have a requirement to build custom notification alert for "Submitted assignment review reminder" and recipient should be Peer reviewer/Reviewer. Please sugge…
Learner Transcript view as a Line managerSummary: Line manager is unable to view 'Learner Transcript' when they click on Learner Name Content (required): By default line manager is able to see their team member…
Learner TranscriptsSummary: Learner Transcript view as Administrator Content (required): Is there a way, as an administrator, to view a Learner's transcript that isn't through Learner Assi…
Author and Version fields for Catalog Resources missingSummary: Author and Version fields in Catalog Resources not showing anymore Content (required): Hi, Anyone aware what happened with the Author and Version fields in 23A?…
Learning assignment records restriction not working based on security ProfileSummary: Dear All, We have created custom learning admin role based on learning specialist seeded role and restricting based on person security profile - department hier…
How do I setup "Send Alert" templates?Summary: I am wanting to setup a template so instructors or HR personnel can use the Send Alert option. Content (required): I saw an article from 2019, but that doesn't …