Discussion List
How can I easily withdraw learners in bulkSummary: I would like to withdraw incomplete learners from several learning items. These items are end-dated but are still showing as overdue in the learner's current le…
Mass upload course catalog and Learning Assignment RulesHello, Do you know if it is possible to mass upload "Default Assignment rules" of learning catalog courses? In the course metadata there is no reference of those fields:…
Community Manager View - AdminSummary How to set up administrator access for community managerContent Hi, We would like to create a Learning Specialist role to manage Official Communities from the ad…
Mass upload of catalog resources content: SCORM, PDFs, Web Links, VidoesSummary Ability to bulk upload catalog resourcesContent Hi all, I've read numerous thread and documents on a tool to bulk upload catalog resources coming in the second h…
What options are available in Oracle to reduce overdue trainings?Summary: What are you doing to reduce overdue trainings? What features can be used to remind, cajole, coerce or discipline those who go overdue? Content (required): I've…
When to use Delete Assignment?Summary: I've noticed that the Delete Assignment option is always greyed out within the Change Status list. I just wondered when it would be used? Is it only on assignme…
Can we add additional visibility option for related materials when creating a course/offering?Summary: Can we add additional visibility option for related materials when creating a course/offering? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, i…
Once the learner has completed the Day 1 offering and the Day 1 is asking still to enroll?Summary: Hello Team, Reported Issue :- In the AKCG section we have assigned the learner a course named - Center Of Excellence Essentials. There are 4 offerings in 1 cour…
New Learning Experience - Difference between "All Completed Learning" and "Learning History"Summary: Content (required): Hi there, When going to "My Learning Experiences", what is the Difference between "All Completed Learning" and "Learning History" in the New…
Flash Support in LearningContent Do you know when is Oracle planning to remove flash support, and use HTML5 in learning content? Thanks, Nirupa
Loading courses and offerings through HDL result in no offerings loadedSummary: We have loaded courses successfully and can see them in the UI. The offerings are loaded with the courses and go through without any errors. However, there are …
Which privilege's need for ClassroomsSummary: Hi Team, Does any one know which privilege is needed for "Classrooms"? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snip…
Managing Training That can result in multiple competenciesSummary: We are using OLC to manage learning records within our organization and this works well for training that has one outcome (EX: the learner is now forklift train…Nicolas Pelletier-277449 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Nicolas Pelletier-277449 Learning
Is there a way to have training assigned a second time?Summary: We want to reassign training to about 900 people, but 800 of them have already taken the training. Content (required): We have a training that needs to be assig…
How can we stop Online Learning from being accessed more than once?Summary: We have a requirement for Online Learning Items to be, in effect, locked once they have been completed by the Learner. During our build and development stage th…
Impact of terminated employee on learning recordsSummary: Content (required): Hi everyone, I recently discovered that if you want to check or modify the learning status of a learner that is no longer part of the compan…
Courses to be completed in a specific order within a specializationContent We have a requirement where the client wants courses within a specialization to be completed in a particular sequence. That is, if a specialization has 3 courses…
Can learners search the courses based on custom fields like Category or Sub-category?We have a client using some third party learning platform. On their side courses are grouped under Categories e.g Sales, Finance, Operations etc. The client wants a feat…
How do you sort the data in a Message Template based on the Person Number in Alert ComposerSummary: As per the requirement we need to send an alert to line manager listing the employee's (reporting to the line manager) who are all overdue in completing their l…
Learning Evaluation/Feedback BIP ReportSummary Learning Evaluation/Feedback BIP ReportContent Hi everyone, I have created a BI report to fetch the feedback/responses from the Learners for a Learning Item. Cur…
Annual Compliance Training - How to reassign?Summary: Need a way to enroll people each year in the required training, whether they completed the training previously or not. Content (required): Use case: We have sev…
What happened to the search catalog bar in the Admin Dashboard - Homescreen?Summary: There used to be a search bar where you could search the catalog under the Administrator Dashboard - Home button, but now there's only demo videos. Content (req…
Send Learning Request to all representative at the same timeSummary: The request for enrollment in a course must reach the Learning representative of the employee. In our scenario, an employee may have more than one representativ…
Is there a way to upload other resources to a course in myHR?Summary: Content (required): I know you can upload SCORM files for content but is there a way to upload a power point and or other documents for learners to utilize as t…
Cost Center at LearningSummary: I have a Cost Center to be added at Learning for Non Catalogue request. Cost Center field is mandatory at Learning. How can i update this? Appreciate if can pro…
Hide Related Material section in offering page and make it visible only to offering coordinatorSummary: Tried to show the related material section in offering page only to Offering coordinator. I used the ff. EL Expression for the visibility of the section, but it…
DFF - Training SupplierSummary DFF - Training SupplierContent We need a DFF field in the Training Supplier form. We have created a dff in"Custom Attributes For Resource" but this also adds to …
Applications for part-time and full-time studiesSummary: Looking for a way for the Learner to apply for part-time and full-time studies Content (required): We are looking for ideas on how to enable Leaners/employees t…
Activities details missing under offeringSummary: Activities details under offering is missing . I am able to see through the Oracle Seeded learn specialist role, but not through my customized role. Looks like …Saurabh Pratap Singh-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srujan Karanam-Oracle Learning
When we use the Search function in Learning our new Courses do not show up?Summary: We used to be able to Search any Course but now we need to click on Browse Catalogue instead to find the Courses. However an employee needs to be able to Search…