Discussion List
Distribution of IT or HR Policies within Oracle HCM CloudSummary Our IT and HR groups would like to utilize the Learning module for review and agreement to policies.Content Our IT and HR groups would like to utilize the Learni…
"No learning data available for offline access" when launching mobile appSummary "No learning data available for offline access" when launching mobile appContent Hi, Has anyone experienced the default notification - "No learning data availabl…
HDL/HSDL Load for Questionnaire AssessmentSummary HDL/HSDL Load for Questionnaire AssessmentContent Hi, Has anyone used HDL or HSDL functionality for Questionnaire creation. We need this to create Learning Asses…
Specialization and having to enroll in the offeringSummary Specialization and having to enroll in the offeringContent In the NUX I am seeing some interesting behavior. We want a Specialization to have courses (that has 1…
Conduct one to one conversation within a communitySummary Is it possible to conduct one to one conversation within a community with no other community memebers having access to the conversationContent In a community , i…
Learning assessment is it possible to have a question dependent on another questions response?Summary Learning assessment is it possible to have a question dependent on another questions response?Content Hello, In learning assessments- when we built an questioner…
Restrict Instructor access only to his Courses for Marking Attendance.Summary We have requirement to restrict instructor access only for his Courses.Content we tried different options like the Document Understanding_Oracle_Cloud_Access_Con…
To have indication for which user withdraw the courseSummary Withdrawal status indicationContent Know that the withdrawal status would be effective when employee/ HR withdraws employee from the course, for better complianc…
Learning Cloud Training Series - Invite Session 59: New features and Enhancements for Learners, ManaSummary Webcast presenting the new and enhanced features in Oracle Learning Cloud release 13.21AContent You are hereby invited to the next training session for the new f…
Include the Syllabus (from the Course level) in an AlertContent Hi there I see that I can include the Short description as dynamic field in an alert in OLC. However, I dont see an option to include the Syllabus field in an al…
Links as activities to be marked manually in a self_paced courseContent Hi there, I would appreciate if someone can comment on the approach I have in mind. I would like to have more liberty in assigning the activities. For instance, …
Learning Assignment to a terminated workerContent Hi there, is it possible to assign an Offering (in the past) to a terminated worker? I can choose the worker in Learning assignment tab by flagging the option "I…
When would you use Reset SCORM Attempts functionality?Summary When would you use Reset SCORM Attempts functionality?Content Hi All I understand what the Reset SCORM Attempts functionality does, but I can't think of a scenar…
Does Oracle support or plan to support xAPI ?Content Hi, Our client has asked whether Oracle supports/plans to support XAPI. Does anyone know the answer to this? Thanks, Mel Version 20D
Alert sent out immediately after the user has been enrolled or has completed a courseContent Hi there, I am afraid I could not find any info on that in the forum. We have a bunch of different alerts that shoot on different intervals - daily and hourly. H…
Withdrawing from a course as a learner that has costs associated to itContent Hi there, We have courses that are quite expensive so we don't want learners to withdraw a week before start of the course so that costs incur to us. How can we …
Best practice for using Initiative for Regulatory coursesContent Hi there We launch regulatory initiatives once a year. The target groups are different. For instance, we may have a Regulatory course in which we need to enroll …
How to learn OTBI reportSummary OTBI report for learningContent I am a learning Administrator. I want to learn OTBI reports. Below are the reports want to learn. General LMS data ( total course…
History of alert notifications sent to a specific employeeSummary Regenerate a system-generated alert notifciation and see all alerts sent to an employeeContent Can anyone share how we can regenerate an alert notification that …
How to add a report tile/link to the Learning or Transcript pageSummary How to add a report tile/link to the Learning or Transcript pageContent I remember seeing a thread on this awhile ago and now I need it and can’t find it. How do…
LinkedIn Learning IntegrationSummary When you integrate with Linkedin Learning is all the LinkedIn learning content dowloaded to OLC or you can pick and chose which courses to dowload?Content Hi the…
Actual hours for AssessmentSummary How to find Actual HoursContent How to find the total hours of the assessment which is spent by the learner. I have attached the screenshot that mentioned 0.044.…
Send FYI to Learn Admins for Resource AlertsSummary What should the recipient token be if we want to send FYI on resource alerts to be sent to learning adminsContent Hi All, We have a requirement to send the resou…
Resource Alert Table AlphabeticalSummary List of learners arranged to be alphabeticalContent In a table for a resource alert we created an alertUtils.loop statement displaying the names of the direct re…
How to stop the course update notification to the leanersSummary Course update notificationContent Please advise, how to stop the course update notification to learners. Whenever we did any modification in the course or offeri…
How to stop the course update notification to the leanersSummary Course update notificationContent Please advise, how to stop the course update notification to learners. Whenever we did any modification in the course or offeri…
Access Groups tableContent Hi there! I would like to seek for your advise if there is an Access Groups table which we can call in order to filter our custom dashboard with the correct acce…
Learning Assignment Vs Learning InitiativeSummary Difference between Learning Assignment and Learning Initiative; their significanceContent We have two tasks namely Learning Assignments and Learning Initiatives …
Export and Import Learning Configuration(OLC) from TEST to PRODSummary Export and Import Learning Configuration(OLC) from TEST to PRODContent Hi, How are we migrating Learning Configuration(OLC) from Test to PROD ? is this manual pr…
learning video content how can we the video possible to run back and forth?Summary learning video content how can we the video possible to run back and forth?Content Hello, We noticed that when the course type is Video content - the user have t…