Discussion List
Learners login session timing out is in anyway connected with SCORM session for Learner CompletionSummary: Need to know when learner at the end of the course Activity scorm content slide(Which means course is completed) and if suddenly network disconnected/disruption…
Download for my direct reports on Oracle appSummary: We're using the new functionality under My Team - Learning to 'Download for my Direct Reports' or Organisation. When doing this on a desktop the file opens in t…
Can we remove the FYI in the worklist recipient for the New Learning Assignment alert?Summary: Because enabling both email and worklist recipients in the New Learning Assignment alert creates 2 email notifications being sent to the learner, I removed the …
Can we send reminder to learner prior to start of ILT trainingSummary: Hi, We have a requirement to send reminder to learner 14 days before start of ILT training and only for Voluntary assignments. We have used below filters: But w…
Automatic Attention Warning message for Chrome and Edge users for Responsive UISummary: Need to have an Automatic Attention Warning message for Chrome and Edge users for Responsive UI when learner access the Course. Content (please ensure you mask …
Redwood - How to hide "Attention Chrome and Edge users" notifications in the details page?Summary: How to hide "Attention Chrome and Edge users" notifications in the details page? Hi Everyone, How can we hide warning (and assignment note if possible) in the d…
Can pending workers have access to Learning (ESS) (Doc ID 2917699.1)Hi all After referring Doc ID 2917699.1 where it has been mentioned Pending workers can be excluded from a Learning Initiative, I would like to futher confirm the fact i…
VILT - MS Teams: Can the Instructor be automatically assigned as the Meeting organizerSummary: VILT - MS Teams : Can the Instructor be automatically assigned as the Meeting organizer? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): VILT - M…Ajay Kumar Reddy Gondesi 22 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ajay Kumar Reddy Gondesi Learning
Learners Not able to access Course (E-Learning journey)Summary: Learner not able to access the Course. He receives the below error. Any inputs are appreciated. Thanks, Ram Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inf…
Specialization Assignment Conflict RulesSummary: Attempting to re-assign a completed specialization to a Learner. The option to create a new assignment appears inaccessible in the Advanced Rules. Is there a wa…
learning community tab order in browse learning(Redwood)Summary: Hello, How can we change the order of appearance for the content in Browse (details below the image) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…
Administrator - Learners Tab - need to hide some actionsContent Hi there, there are some actions we will need to disable/hide for example the custom alert in the Mass Actions (see screenshot). What is the best way to do this?…
Visibility on CoursesSummary: Hi Experts , Our client has a requirement regarding the visibility of course. The course must be visible to manager when viewing from Employee Self Service but …
Process Unfinished AttemptsSummary: Hello Experts, Process Unfinished Attempts learning process updates offering activity statuses to Completed for learners with a completed attempt that the activ…
Why a New Effective-dated entry is getting created in Learning Record when a Course is end-datedSummary: Why a New Effective-dated entry is getting created in Learning Record(WLF_LEARNING_ITEMS_F) when a Course is end-dated with Effective Start Date as End date +1d…
Google Translation APIWe noticed a new feature in Advisor Processes Does the Google API comes with a specific license?
Withdrawing Learners from Specialization will also withdraw from Activities(Courses)Summary: Wanted to know when we withdraw the learner from Specialization, will also withdraw learners from Activities(Courses) to which they are enrolled. As i tested it…Pavan Kumar M G-Oracle 26 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andre Brown-Support-Oracle Learning
Can we setup a vendor other than these listed. BizLibrary • Intuition • LinkedIn Learning • OpenSesaSummary: Please answer anyone,Implementing a learning document provides vendors list as BizLibrary • Intuition • LinkedIn Learning • OpenSesame • Skillsoft. Can we set u…
Blank Cover Art imageSummary: We recently turned on Redwood for Learning and it seems that many courses have a blank cover art image. These courses previously had an image that was visible. …
Alerts-We are loading past-dated offering assignments via HDL -The offering contains an observation checklist that line managers are supposed to answer -When we load these ass…
How long does the Learn Migration process take to complete on a new environment?Summary: I'm trying to enable activity sequencing on a new environment. Enabled the relevant profile option and followed steps per Oracle documentation. I've run the Lea…
Price of Recorded External Learning Not VisibleSummary: We have a requirement to extract the cost associated to a non catalog learning item that a learner submits and records to their transcript through the "Record E…
View Reason Code for Withdrawals or CompletionsHi, Is there a place in the UI where users/admins can view the reason code for either withdrawals or completions? Thank you!
how to make comments field as optional in withdraw transactionsSummary: Hi Team, We have a requirement from the customer that to make the comments field as optional in withdraw transactions as a learner. Though we raised SR for this…
How to add a filter to the Learning Catalog page with Visual BuilderSummary: We are needing employees to search/filter the learning catalog by flex fields. This was supported in the old UI but we are now on redwood and have lost this fea…
Documents of Record deep linkSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I use this kind of deeplink to create a link for documents of record attachment: 'https://fa-xxxx…
InstructorInstructor can view all lessons he has to have? Regards, Fabio
Waitlist position isn't in line with assignment dateSummary: When viewing learners on the waitlist for an offering, it appears that the 'Current Waitlist Position' is incorrect, as it doesn't align with Assignment Date. C…
Comparing Assignment Number and Assignment Profile Number in SpecializationsSummary What is the Difference between the Assignment Number and Assignment Profile Number for Learners in Specialiaziations Learner Results?Content When viewing Learner…
Using journey to assign coursesSummary: Hello everyone, I would like to create a learning journey according to the following use case: a new hire has to complete a journey the journey contains: task t…