Discussion List
List of Oracle Learning seeded notifications?Summary: List of Oracle Learning seeded notifications? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): List of Oracle Learning seeded notifications? Versi…
Assessment questionnaire: purpose of rating modelHello everyone, What is the purpose of rating models in assessment questionnaire? Thank you Regards Alessandra
Translate learning assessment - Translation Editor Tools is grey outSummary: Hi all, We are trying to translate an existing question using the tranlation editor tools for an learning assessment, so we were able to translate the question …
How can I collect Line Manager Feedback on Learning Items completed by their direct reports?Hi everyone, We are setting up Learning Items in Oracle Learning Cloud (OLC). A major requirement of our Client is that Line Managers should be able to submit feedback o…
DCS Service Selfservice User Email Id UpdationSummary: DCS Service Self User had enrolled himself with a Emailid last year and now their company has changed emailid so can we update existing Userid's old email id wi…
Evaluations in learning modulecan an employee receive feedback form( learning evaluations)as a link through email notifications after course completion
Learning Assessments are not marked as completedHello, Some of our users are experiencing learning assessments that are not marked as completed, even though they are getting a passing score. We tried the reconciliatio…
24B - reporting on offering enrollment questionnaires / evaluationsSummary: To ask: Will evaluation etc. questionnaires have to be recreated, or is this just to do with reporting? Does it affect assessment questionnaires as well? Conten…
It is possible to make an assignment for inactive employee?Summary: Hello everyone, It is possible to make an assignment for inactive employee? Thank you Alessandra
Two offerings at the same day and timeHello everyone, Our customer has the following use case: What happen if a learner is assigned to two offerings which will take place at the same day and time? will an al…
Post release 24A: failure to complete the questionnaireSummary: Following the release of 24A in the production environment, we detected some anomalous positions for which, following the use of the course: - for some courses …
Learning Assessment does not record completion even though user gets passed messageFor learning assessments we find that our learners can get a message that the assessment is passed, but the score and pass are not recorded in learning. This can happen …
Questionnaire template did not get updated with the new version of questionSummary: We have a template with a question. We created a questionnaire from that template and updated the question, creating a new version. When we go look at the templ…
Questionnaire in Oracle LearningAnonymously Questionnaire Hi All, Can responses to a questionnaire be provided anonymously? Thanks
How to delete evaluation question and questionnaireSummary: Hello everyone, is it possible to delete an evaluation? I need to delete questions, questionnaire template and questionnaire related to this evalution. Thank yo…
Learning BI Report query for questionaries with based Employee DetailsHi Everyone Currently, I am creating a BI report for Oracle Learning Cloud where it should have, Learning Related Fields Employee Basic Info ( Name, Person Number, DOB, …
Learning assessment functionality - maximum score of 1 with 3 answersA learning admin creates a question with 10 possible choices to choose from. 3 of these choices are correct. In order to get 1 point you must select all 3 choices. If yo…
What happens when my account will be disabledSummary: Hello everyone, In case my account will be disabled from customer prod environment, what happens to content uploaded, configured, created which I'm the owner of…
don not need no answer option in single choice question and it should be non-mandatory questionHi Team, We have a questionnaire where we are using random questions feature to select 5 questions from set of 10 questions which are non mandatory. now in this case we …
Need payload and api to get a person course number in response for a particular coursewe know the person number and course name how can we get the "assignmentRecordNumber": "OLC12345678", using below api. /hcmRestApi/resources/…
Questionnaire translation - Available LanguagesSummary: Hi all, We are trying to translate our questionnaires and questions in Oracle, but the languages available when clicking on the 'Translation Editor' button are …