Discussion List
How to use the single sign on in Oracle HCM Mobile ApplicationSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…Mohammad Abdelmalik 28 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Adrian Nae-Oracle Applications Security
How to Hide Page Fields Incase Of Shared Task Flows In ESS and Benefits administration page.Summary How to Hide Page Fields Incase Of Shared Task Flows In Employee page under ME>Benefits and should be visible on Enrollment page under Benefits AdministrationCont…
Hide skills and qualification based on Country.Summary: Hello, We received a requirement to hide skills and qualification pages for some country. Is it possible to hide? Does anyone has done it before? Thanks, Namrat…
Line Manager cannot see Contact Info of direct reports under My TeamSummary: Line Manager cannot see Contact Info of direct reports under My Team Content (required): Line Manager cannot see Contact Info of direct reports under My Team. I…
Need help building a security role for specific group of usersIn Oracle HCM Fusion, is it possible to create a security role where a user can only see a person's home address, personal phone, personal email, but not other sensitive…
Mass password resetSummary Mass password reset (1000s of users)Content Is there any way to Mass password reset (1000s of users) ?User_2025-01-28-07-47-26-775 205 views 10 comments 3 points Most recent by Monica Zaharia-Oracle Applications Security
How to take backup for ESS jobs while instance moving to refresh/CloningHi Team, I would like take back up of all available ESS jobs, while instance is moving for refresh or cloning. Please help me if anyone done this requirements or please …
Sandboxes - Privileges - Best PracticesHi guys, I am trying to see if someone can let me know the Sandboxes- Privileges set-up before and after upgrades. What are the best practices to be followed. Thanks
What product name to use as an parameter to fetch audit logs from ERP fusion.Summary: We are trying to fetch the data using /fscmRestApi/fndAuditRESTService/audittrail/getaudithistory API Endpoint. It accepts the "product" parameter. We are tryin…
How to configure HCM so that it only accepts HCM REST API requests from OCI API Gateway?Summary: Content (required): (Given HCM LBAC is already configured to restrict access to HCM to enterprise VPN users) is it possible to restrict access to the HCM REST A…
Azure Provisioning - Role Mapping - How to send “Assignable” flag?Summary: We are using Microsoft Entra (Azure AD) Provisioning to automatically manage User Lifecycle & Role Memberships for our enterprise users, as part of our SCIM Com…Prateek Mohan 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kishore Padala-Support-Oracle Applications Security
Users Deletion from SaaSSummary: Users deletion from SaaS. How could it affect on business processes. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We just need to delete sever…Konstantin Bozhko 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kishore Padala-Support-Oracle Applications Security
oracle fusion users privileges last used reporthi Gurus LICENCING I have tried to search and cant find such a screen in HERA or report available that tells us all users, roles and last used role/priviliege date repor…
In personal details page how to hide edit pencil icon for biographical informationSummary: Our observation: 1) I am trying to hide edit option through Page composer for Biographical information, But when i enter page composer edit option will disappea…
Can we provide SSO between E-Business Suite and Oracle Cloud HCM without external Identity ProviderSummary: We are implementing Oracle HCM Cloud alongside a pre-existing on-premise EBS instance which will continue to be used for some functions. Our understanding is th…
Enabling OAuth setup for HCM REST APIs instead of Basic AuthSummary Enabling OAuth setup for HCM REST APIs instead of Basic AuthContent Hi, Please can someone provide me a step by step mechanism whereby we can establish OAuth sec…
Do we have filter conditions in alert composers for payroll name ?Hi Team, Do we have filter conditions in alert composers for payroll name ? if we need to create an alert for employees who will get terminated and who have payroll name…Narmada Yadav 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasta Ghafouri-Oracle Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
When data is purged for Sensitive data audit and HCM Business Objects audit ?Hello, I am currently working on Sensitive data audit HCM Business objects audit that is accessible through Audit report page I would like to know when the data is purge…
Is there any Performance impact of enabling Auditing in Fusion ApplicationsSummary: Content (required): We are considering enabling auditing for SOA. (Reference - How To Audit Workflow Customizations (Doc ID 2907250.1)) Before we enable Auditin…
What is the maximum number of days for which a role can be delegatedSummary: Users can specify the number of days of the duration of role delegations using a predefined profile option. They can do this via Manage Administrator Profile Va…
How to make the field read-only in the Personal Details page for EmployeesHow to make the field read-only in the Personal Details page for Employees (Fields such as: Name, National identifiers, Biographical information, Disability information)…Prajwal LM-Oracle 51 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Prajwal LM-Oracle Applications Security
Do we have any alternate table for ase_user_login_infoSummary: ase_user_login_info table is storing data only for last 7 days. Is there any other table that store User Login Info For Past 1 month. Content (please ensure you…Narasimha Rao Kondapalli 420 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kishore Padala-Support-Oracle Applications Security
IP Whitelisting and Integration with Other applications like Candidate Sites, OIC or APEXWe need to limit access to Oracle Fusion Applications to specific whitelisted IPs. To clarify: Will restricting IP access affect the Career Site? If IP restriction is en…
What privilege or role will allow an employee to search for any other employee using the directory?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I noticed that the delivered Employee role is not allowing users to search for other employees us…
User Name UpdateSummary There is a requirement to update user name due to policy change of user naming convention so I am trying to find best way to do soContent Hi What is best way to …Rakesh Lathiya 2018 49 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Gerardo Carrillo Applications Security
Approval Delegation CategorySummary: I would like to know where the "Category" dropdown field is getting its values. Is it a pre-defined list? Can I customize it and add my own values? Can I remove…
In Manage Invoices page the export to excel icon is not downloading the rowsSummary: In Manage Invoices page -> Advanced Search -> Invoice Date (greater than a certain date) --> Search. Click on Export to Excel icon. The spreadsheet shows only h…
Is It possible to call fusion Hcm application from outsideSummary: Is It possible to call fusion Hcm application from outside. If Yes how to call. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include …Nagendra Chitra-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kishore Padala-Support-Oracle Applications Security